OpenFlow Data Plane Abstraction (OF-DPA) API Guide and Reference Manual


int ofdpaBcmCommand (ofdpa_buffdesc buffer)
 Execute a BCM command.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaClientEventSockBind (void)
 Opens and binds OF-DPA Client's event socket.
int ofdpaClientEventSockFdGet (void)
 Get OF-DPA Client's event socket fd.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaClientInitialize (char *clientName)
 Initialize OF-DPA client or user application.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaClientPktSockBind (void)
 Opens and binds OF-DPA Client's packet socket.
int ofdpaClientPktSockFdGet (void)
 Get OF-DPA Client's packet socket fd.
int ofdpaCltDebugBuf (ofdpa_buffdesc functionName, ofdpaComponentIds_t component, ofdpaDebugLevels_t verbosity, ofdpa_buffdesc message)
 Generate a debug message using a preformatted buffer.
int ofdpaCltDebugPrintf (const char *functionName, ofdpaComponentIds_t component, ofdpaDebugLevels_t verbosity, const char *format,...)
 Generate a debug message using printf formatting.
int ofdpaCltLogBuf (int priority, ofdpa_buffdesc message)
 Generate a log message using a preformatted buffer.
int ofdpaCltLogPrintf (int priority, char *fmt,...)
 Generate a log message using printf formatting.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaComponentNameGet (int component, ofdpa_buffdesc *name)
 Get the Component Name.
int ofdpaDebugComponentGet (int component)
 Get Component debugging mode.
int ofdpaDebugComponentSet (int component, int enable)
 Enable/Disable the Component for debugging.
int ofdpaDebugLvl (int lvl)
 Set the Debug Verbosity.
int ofdpaDebugLvlGet (void)
 Get the Debug Verbosity.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaDevshellCommand (ofdpa_buffdesc buffer)
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaDropStatusActionGet (uint32_t lmepId, uint8_t *dropAction)
 Get drop action value.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaDropStatusAdd (ofdpaDropStatusEntry_t *dropEntry)
 Add drop status entry.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaDropStatusDelete (uint32_t lmepId)
 Delete drop status entry.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaDropStatusEntryInit (ofdpaDropStatusEntry_t *dropEntry)
 Initialize drop entry.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaDropStatusGet (uint32_t lmepId, ofdpaDropStatusEntry_t *dropEntry)
 Get drop status entry.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaDropStatusNextGet (uint32_t lmepId, ofdpaDropStatusEntry_t *nextDropEntry)
 Get the next drop entry.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaEventReceive (struct timeval *timeout)
 Receive an event.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaFeatureSupported (OFDPA_FEATURE_t feature)
 Indicates whether the switch supports a particular OF-DPA feature.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaFlowAdd (ofdpaFlowEntry_t *flow)
 Add a new entry to a flow table.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaFlowByCookieDelete (uint64_t cookie)
 Delete the flow entry with the specified cookie.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaFlowByCookieGet (uint64_t cookie, ofdpaFlowEntry_t *flow, ofdpaFlowEntryStats_t *flowStats)
 Returns statistics for the flow entry with the specified cookie value.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaFlowDelete (ofdpaFlowEntry_t *flow)
 Delete an entry from a flow table.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaFlowEntryDecode (ofdpaFlowEntry_t *flow, char *outBuf, int bufSize)
 Decode a flow configuration structure into a descriptive string suitable for display to the user.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaFlowEntryInit (OFDPA_FLOW_TABLE_ID_t tableId, ofdpaFlowEntry_t *flow)
 Initialize Flow entry structure.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaFlowEventNextGet (ofdpaFlowEvent_t *eventData)
 Get the next flow event.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaFlowModify (ofdpaFlowEntry_t *flow)
 Modify an existing entry in a flow table.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaFlowNextGet (ofdpaFlowEntry_t *flow, ofdpaFlowEntry_t *nextFlow)
 Retrieve the next flow entry in the specified flow table.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaFlowStatsGet (ofdpaFlowEntry_t *flow, ofdpaFlowEntryStats_t *flowStats)
 Returns statistics for the flow entry specified.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaFlowTableInfoGet (OFDPA_FLOW_TABLE_ID_t tableId, ofdpaFlowTableInfo_t *info)
 Get Flow Table Info.
const char * ofdpaFlowTableNameGet (OFDPA_FLOW_TABLE_ID_t tableId)
 Returns the flow table name as a string suitable for display to the user.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaFlowTableSupported (OFDPA_FLOW_TABLE_ID_t tableId)
 Checks whether a table ID is a supported on the platform.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaGroupAdd (ofdpaGroupEntry_t *group)
 Add Group.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaGroupBucketEntryAdd (ofdpaGroupBucketEntry_t *bucket)
 Add a Group Bucket entry.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaGroupBucketEntryDecode (ofdpaGroupBucketEntry_t *bucketEntry, char *outBuf, int bufSize)
 Decode a group bucket configuration structure into a descriptive string suitable for display to the user.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaGroupBucketEntryDelete (uint32_t groupId, uint32_t bucketIndex)
 Delete a Group Bucket entry.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaGroupBucketEntryFirstGet (uint32_t groupId, ofdpaGroupBucketEntry_t *firstGroupBucket)
 Get the first Group Bucket entry.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaGroupBucketEntryGet (uint32_t groupId, uint32_t bucketIndex, ofdpaGroupBucketEntry_t *groupBucket)
 Get the Group Bucket entry.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaGroupBucketEntryInit (OFDPA_GROUP_ENTRY_TYPE_t groupType, ofdpaGroupBucketEntry_t *bucket)
 Initialize Flow entry structure.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaGroupBucketEntryModify (ofdpaGroupBucketEntry_t *bucket)
 Modify Group Bucket entry.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaGroupBucketEntryNextGet (uint32_t groupId, uint32_t bucketIndex, ofdpaGroupBucketEntry_t *nextBucketEntry)
 Get the next Group Bucket entry.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaGroupBucketsDeleteAll (uint32_t groupId)
 Delete all Buckets from a Group.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaGroupDecode (uint32_t groupId, char *outBuf, int bufSize)
 Decode a group ID value into a descriptive string suitable for display to the user.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaGroupDelete (uint32_t groupId)
 Delete Group.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaGroupEntryInit (OFDPA_GROUP_ENTRY_TYPE_t groupType, ofdpaGroupEntry_t *group)
 Initialize Flow entry structure.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaGroupIndexGet (uint32_t groupId, uint32_t *index)
 Get the Index encoded in the Group Id.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaGroupIndexSet (uint32_t *groupId, uint32_t index)
 Encode the Index in the Group Id.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaGroupMplsL2TunnelIdGet (uint32_t groupId, uint32_t *tunnelId)
 Get the tunnel Id from the Group Id.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaGroupMplsL2TunnelIdSet (uint32_t *groupId, uint32_t tunnelId)
 Encode the tunnel Id in the Group Id.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaGroupMplsSubTypeGet (uint32_t groupId, uint32_t *subType)
 Get the MPLS Group Sub-type from the Group Id.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaGroupMplsSubTypeSet (uint32_t *groupId, uint32_t subType)
 Encode the MPLS Group Sub-type in the Group Id.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaGroupNextGet (uint32_t groupId, ofdpaGroupEntry_t *nextGroup)
 Get the next Group entry.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaGroupOverlayIndexGet (uint32_t groupId, uint32_t *index)
 Get the Overlay Group index in the Group Id.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaGroupOverlayIndexSet (uint32_t *groupId, uint32_t index)
 Encode the Overlay Group index in the Group Id.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaGroupOverlaySubTypeGet (uint32_t groupId, OFDPA_L2_OVERLAY_SUBTYPE_t *subType)
 Get the Overlay Group Sub-type from the Group Id.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaGroupOverlaySubTypeSet (uint32_t *groupId, OFDPA_L2_OVERLAY_SUBTYPE_t subType)
 Encode the Overlay Group Sub-type in the Group Id.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaGroupOverlayTunnelIdGet (uint32_t groupId, uint32_t *tunnelId)
 Get the tunnel Id from the Group Id.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaGroupOverlayTunnelIdSet (uint32_t *groupId, uint32_t tunnelId)
 Encode the tunnel Id in the Group Id.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaGroupPortIdGet (uint32_t groupId, uint32_t *portId)
 Get the Port ID encoded in the Group Id.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaGroupPortIdSet (uint32_t *groupId, uint32_t portId)
 Encode the Port Id in the Group Id.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaGroupStatsGet (uint32_t groupId, ofdpaGroupEntryStats_t *groupStats)
 Get Group statistics.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaGroupTableInfoGet (uint32_t groupId, ofdpaGroupTableInfo_t *info)
 Get Group table info.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaGroupTableTotalEntryCountGet (uint32_t *entryCount)
 Reports the number of group entries of all types.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaGroupTypeGet (uint32_t groupId, uint32_t *type)
 Get the Group Type encoded in the Group ID.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaGroupTypeNextGet (uint32_t groupId, OFDPA_GROUP_ENTRY_TYPE_t groupType, ofdpaGroupEntry_t *nextGroup)
 Get the next Group entry of a given type.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaGroupTypeSet (uint32_t *groupId, uint32_t type)
 Encode the Group Type in the Group Id.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaGroupVlanGet (uint32_t groupId, uint32_t *vlanId)
 Get the VLAN ID encoded in the Group Id.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaGroupVlanSet (uint32_t *groupId, uint32_t vlanId)
 Encode the VLAN Id in the Group Id.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaMaxPktSizeGet (uint32_t *pktSize)
 Report the size in bytes of the largest packet that can be received.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaMeterAdd (uint32_t meterId, ofdpaMeterEntry_t *meter)
 Add Meter.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaMeterDelete (uint32_t meterId)
 Delete Meter.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaMeterEntryInit (ofdpaMeterEntry_t *meter)
 Initialize Meter entry.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaMeterGet (uint32_t meterId, ofdpaMeterEntry_t *meter)
 Get the Meter entry.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaMeterNextGet (uint32_t meterId, uint32_t *nextMeterId)
 Get the next Meter entry.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaMeterStatsGet (uint32_t meterId, ofdpaMeterEntryStats_t *meterStats)
 Get Meter statistics.
void ofdpaMplsL2PortIndexGet (uint32_t portNum, uint32_t *index)
 Get the MPLS L2 port index encoded in a port number value.
void ofdpaMplsL2PortIndexSet (uint32_t *portNum, uint32_t index)
 Encode the MPLS L2 port index in a port number.
void ofdpaMplsL2PortTypeGet (uint32_t portNum, uint32_t *type)
 Get the MPLS L2 port type encoded in a port number value.
void ofdpaMplsL2PortTypeSet (uint32_t *portNum, uint32_t type)
 Encode the MPLS L2 port type in a port number value.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaMplsQosActionAdd (ofdpaMplsQosEntry_t *mplsQosEntry)
 Add MPLS Set QoS action entry.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaMplsQosActionDelete (ofdpaMplsQosEntry_t *mplsQosEntry)
 Delete MPLS Set QoS action entry.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaMplsQosActionEntryGet (uint8_t qosIndex, uint8_t mpls_tc, ofdpaMplsQosEntry_t *mplsQosEntry)
 Get MPLS Set QoS action entry.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaMplsQosEntryInit (ofdpaMplsQosEntry_t *mplsQosEntry)
 Initialize MPLS QoS entry.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaMplsQosEntryNextGet (ofdpaMplsQosEntry_t *mplsQosEntry, ofdpaMplsQosEntry_t *nextEntry)
 Retrieve the next MPLS QoS entry.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaNumQueuesGet (uint32_t portNum, uint32_t *numQueues)
 The client calls this function to get the number of COS queues on a port.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamAisConfigGet (uint32_t lmepId, ofdpaOamAisConfig_t *config)
 Retrieve OAM Alarm Indication Signal configuration for the specified MEP using the configuration parameters provided.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamAisDisable (uint32_t lmepId)
 Disable sending OAM Alarm Indication Signal (AIS) messages for the specified MEP.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamAisEnable (uint32_t lmepId, ofdpaOamAisConfig_t *config)
 Enable sending OAM Alarm Indication Signal (AIS) messages for the specified MEP using the configuration parameters provided.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamCsfDisable (uint32_t lmepId)
 Disable sending OAM Client Signal Fail (CSF) messages for the specified MEP.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamCsfEnable (uint32_t lmepId, ofdpaOamCsfConfig_t *config)
 Enable sending OAM Client Signal Fail (CSF) messages for the specified MEP using the configuration parameters provided.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamDataCounterAdd (uint32_t lmepId, uint8_t trafficClass)
 Add data counter entry.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamDataCounterDelete (uint32_t lmepId, uint8_t trafficClass)
 Delete data counter entry.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamDataCounterGet (ofdpaOamDataCounterIndex_t index, ofdpaOamDataCounterStatus_t *status)
 Get the data counter entry.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamDataCounterNextGet (ofdpaOamDataCounterIndex_t index, ofdpaOamDataCounterIndex_t *nextIndex, ofdpaOamDataCounterStatus_t *status)
 Get the next data counter entry.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamDataCountersLMClear (ofdpaOamDataCounterIndex_t index)
 Clear OAM LM counters.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamDataCountersLMGet (ofdpaOamDataCounterIndex_t index, uint32_t *TxFCl, uint32_t *RxFCl)
 Get OAM LM counters.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamDataCounterStatusGet (uint32_t lmepId, uint8_t trafficClass, ofdpaOamDataCounterStatus_t *status)
 Get data counter entry status.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamEventNextGet (ofdpaOamEvent_t *eventData)
 Get the next OAM event.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamLbCreate (uint32_t lmepId, ofdpaOamLbConfig_t *config)
 Create an OAM Loopback Entry.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamLbGet (uint32_t lmepId, ofdpaOamLbConfig_t *config, ofdpaOamLbStatus_t *status)
 Get the status of loopback.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamLbStart (uint32_t lmepId)
 Start on demand loopback.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamLbStop (uint32_t lmepId)
 Stop on demand loopback.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamLckConfigGet (uint32_t lmepId, ofdpaOamLckConfig_t *config)
 Retrieve OAM Lock Signal configuration for the specified MEP using the configuration parameters provided.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamLckDisable (uint32_t lmepId)
 Disable sending OAM Lock Signal (LCK) messages for the.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamLckEnable (uint32_t lmepId, ofdpaOamLckConfig_t *config)
 Enable sending OAM Lock Signal (LCK) messages for the specified MEP using the configuration parameters provided.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamLtGet (uint32_t lmepId, ofdpaOamLtConfig_t *config, ofdpaOamLtStatus_t *status)
 Retrieve OAM Link Trace configuration and/or status.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamLtResultNextGet (uint32_t lmepId, uint32_t sequenceNum, uint32_t receiveOrder, ofdpaOamLtrEntry_t *ltResult)
 Retrieve Next OAM Link Trace record.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamLtStart (uint32_t lmepId, ofdpaOamLtConfig_t *config)
 Initiates a OAM Link Trace session.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamMegCreate (uint32_t megIndex, ofdpaOamMegConfig_t *config)
 Create an OAM MEG entry.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamMegDelete (uint32_t megIndex)
 Delete an OAM MEG entry.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamMegGet (uint32_t megIndex, ofdpaOamMegConfig_t *config, ofdpaOamMegStatus_t *status)
 Retrieve OAM MEG configuration and/or status.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamMegNextGet (uint32_t megIndex, uint32_t *nextMegIndex)
 Return the MEG index, if any, for the entry after the one specified.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamMepCCMDatabaseEntryGet (uint32_t lmepId, uint32_t remoteMepId, ofdpaOamCcmDatabaseEntry_t *dbEntry)
 Retrieve OAM MEP CCM database entry status.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamMepCCMDatabaseEntryNextGet (uint32_t lmepId, uint32_t remoteMepId, uint32_t *nextRemoteMepId)
 Return the OAM MEP CCM database entry identifier, if any, for the entry after the specified remote MEP.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamMepCreate (uint32_t lmepId, ofdpaOamMepConfig_t *config)
 Create an OAM MEP entry.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamMepDelete (uint32_t lmepId)
 Delete an OAM MEP entry.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamMepGet (uint32_t lmepId, ofdpaOamMepConfig_t *config, ofdpaOamMepStatus_t *status)
 Retrieve OAM MEP configuration and/or status.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamMepLtrEntryGet (uint32_t lmepId, uint32_t index, ofdpaOamLtrEntry_t *ltrEntry)
 Retrieve OAM MEP LT Reply entry status.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamMepLtrEntryNextGet (uint32_t lmepId, uint32_t index, uint32_t *nextIndex)
 Return the OAM MEP LT Reply entry identifier, if any, for the entry after the one specified.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamMepNextGet (uint32_t lmepId, uint32_t *nextLmepId)
 Return the MEP identifier, if any, for the entry after the one specified.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamMepProtectionAdd (uint32_t mlpGroupIndex, uint32_t lmepId)
 Add a local MEP to the specfied MPLS-TP Linear Protection Group.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamMepProtectionGet (uint32_t mlpGroupIndex, uint32_t lmepId)
 Checks whether local MEP is associated with this MPLS-TP Linear Protection Group.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamMepProtectionNextGet (uint32_t mlpGroupIndex, uint32_t lmepId, uint32_t *nextLmepId)
 Returns the index of the next local MEP associated with this MPLS-TP Linear Protection Group, if any exists.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamMepProtectionRemove (uint32_t mlpGroupIndex, uint32_t lmepId)
 Remove a local MEP to the specfied MPLS-TP Linear Protection Group.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamMipCreate (uint32_t localMpId, ofdpaOamMipConfig_t *config)
 Create an OAM MIP entry.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamMipDelete (uint32_t localMpId)
 Delete an OAM MIP entry.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamMipGet (uint32_t localMpId, ofdpaOamMipConfig_t *config, ofdpaOamMipStatus_t *status)
 Retrieve OAM MIP configuration and/or status.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamMipNextGet (uint32_t localMpId, uint32_t *nextLocalMpId)
 Return the MIP identifier, if any, for the entry after the one specified.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamMLPGroupCreate (uint32_t index, ofdpaOamMLPGroupConfig_t *config)
 Create an MPLS-TP Linear Protection Group entry.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamMLPGroupDelete (uint32_t index)
 Delete an MPLS-TP Linear Protection Group entry.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamMLPGroupGet (uint32_t index, ofdpaOamMLPGroupConfig_t *config, ofdpaOamMLPGroupStatus_t *status)
 Retrieve an MPLS-TP Linear Protection Group entry.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamMLPGroupNextGet (uint32_t index, uint32_t *nextIndex)
 Return the MPLS-TP Linear Protection Group entry identifier, if any, for the entry after the one specified.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamMLPGroupRequest (uint32_t index, OFDPA_PROTECTION_SWITCH_REQUEST_TYPE_t request)
 Issue a request to the MPLS-TP Linear Protection Group.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamOdDmCountersGet (uint32_t lmepId, ofdpaOamOdDmSnapshot_t *counters)
 Retrieve OAM Performance Measurement OnDemand Delay Measurement counters.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamOdDmCreate (uint32_t lmepId, ofdpaOamOdDmConfig_t *config)
 Create an OAM Performance Measurement OnDemand Delay Measurement entry.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamOdDmDelete (uint32_t lmepId)
 Delete an OAM Performance Measurement OnDemand Delay Measurement entry.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamOdDmGet (uint32_t lmepId, ofdpaOamOdDmConfig_t *config, ofdpaOamOdDmStatus_t *status)
 Retrieve OAM Performance Measurement OnDemand Delay Measurement configuration and/or status.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamOdDmStart (uint32_t lmepId)
 Start OAM Performance Measurement OnDemand Delay Measurement session.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamOdDmStop (uint32_t lmepId)
 Stop OAM Performance Measurement OnDemand Delay Measurement session.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamOdLmCountersGet (uint32_t lmepId, ofdpaOamOdLmSnapshot_t *counters)
 Retrieve OAM Performance Measurement OnDemand Loss Measurement counters.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamOdLmCreate (uint32_t lmepId, ofdpaOamOdLmConfig_t *config)
 Create an OAM Performance Measurement OnDemand Loss Measurement entry.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamOdLmDelete (uint32_t lmepId)
 Delete an OAM Performance Measurement OnDemand Loss Measurement entry.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamOdLmGet (uint32_t lmepId, ofdpaOamOdLmConfig_t *config, ofdpaOamOdLmStatus_t *status)
 Retrieve OAM Performance Measurement Ondemand Loss Measurement configuration and/or status.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamOdLmStart (uint32_t lmepId)
 Start OAM Performance Measurement OnDemand Loss Measurement session.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamOdLmStop (uint32_t lmepId)
 Stop OAM Performance Measurement OnDemand Loss Measurement session.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamOnDemandDmStart (uint32_t lmepId, ofdpaOamOdDmConfig_t *config)
 Start an on demand Delay Measurement session.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamOnDemandLmStart (uint32_t lmepId, ofdpaOamOdLmConfig_t *config)
 Start an on demand Loss Measurement session.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamProDmCountersGet (uint32_t lmepId, ofdpaOamProDmCounters_t *counters)
 Retrieve OAM Performance Measurement Proactive Delay Measurement counters.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamProDmCreate (uint32_t lmepId, ofdpaOamProDmConfig_t *config)
 Create an OAM Performance Measurement Proactive Delay Measurement entry.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamProDmDelete (uint32_t lmepId)
 Delete an OAM Performance Measurement Proactive Delay Measurement entry.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamProDmGet (uint32_t lmepId, ofdpaOamProDmConfig_t *config, ofdpaOamProDmStatus_t *status)
 Retrieve OAM Performance Measurement Proactive Delay Measurement configuration and/or status.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamProDmStart (uint32_t lmepId)
 Start OAM Performance Measurement Proactive Delay Measurement session.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamProDmStop (uint32_t lmepId)
 Stop OAM Performance Measurement Proactive Delay Measurement session.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamProLmCountersGet (uint32_t lmepId, ofdpaOamProLmCounters_t *counters)
 Retrieve OAM Performance Measurement Proactive Loss Measurement counters.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamProLmCreate (uint32_t lmepId, ofdpaOamProLmConfig_t *config)
 Create an OAM Performance Measurement Proactive Loss Measurement entry.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamProLmDelete (uint32_t lmepId)
 Delete an OAM Performance Measurement Proactive Loss Measurement entry.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamProLmDisable (uint32_t lmepId)
 Disable OAM Performance Measurement Proactive Loss Measurement session.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamProLmEnable (uint32_t lmepId)
 Enable OAM Performance Measurement Proactive Loss Measurement session.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamProLmGet (uint32_t lmepId, ofdpaOamProLmConfig_t *config, ofdpaOamProLmStatus_t *status)
 Retrieve OAM Performance Measurement Proactive Loss Measurement configuration and/or status.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamRemoteMpCreate (uint32_t remoteMpId, ofdpaOamRemoteMpConfig_t *config)
 Create an OAM Remote MP entry.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamRemoteMpDelete (uint32_t remoteMpId)
 Delete an OAM Remote MP entry.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamRemoteMpGet (uint32_t remoteMpId, ofdpaOamRemoteMpConfig_t *config)
 Retrieve OAM Remote MP.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamRemoteMpNextGet (uint32_t remoteMpId, uint32_t *nextRemoteMpId)
 Return the Remote MP identifier, if any, for the entry after the one specified for the given local MEP ID.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaPktReceive (struct timeval *timeout, ofdpaPacket_t *pkt)
 The client calls this function to retrieve a single packet that the hardware has punted to the CPU.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaPktSend (ofdpa_buffdesc *pkt, uint32_t flags, uint32_t outPortNum, uint32_t inPortNum)
 Packet out API.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaPortAdvertiseFeatureSet (uint32_t portNum, uint32_t advertise)
 Set the port features that can be advertized durng Auto-Negotiation.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaPortConfigGet (uint32_t portNum, uint32_t *config)
 Get the port administrative state.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaPortConfigSet (uint32_t portNum, OFDPA_PORT_CONFIG_t config)
 Set the port administrative state.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaPortCurrSpeedGet (uint32_t portNum, uint32_t *currSpeed)
 Get the port current speed.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaPortEventGet (ofdpaPortEvent_t *eventData)
 Get the port event.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaPortEventNextGet (ofdpaPortEvent_t *eventData)
 Get the next port event.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaPortFeatureGet (uint32_t portNum, ofdpaPortFeature_t *feature)
 Get the port features.
void ofdpaPortIndexGet (uint32_t portNum, uint32_t *index)
 Get the port index encoded in a port number value.
void ofdpaPortIndexSet (uint32_t *portNum, uint32_t index)
 Encode the port index in a port number.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaPortMacGet (uint32_t portNum, ofdpaMacAddr_t *mac)
 Get the MAC address of the given port.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaPortMaxSpeedGet (uint32_t portNum, uint32_t *maxSpeed)
 Get the port maximum speed.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaPortNameGet (uint32_t portNum, ofdpa_buffdesc *name)
 Get the port name.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaPortNextGet (uint32_t portNum, uint32_t *nextPortNum)
 Get the next port from the port table.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaPortStateGet (uint32_t portNum, uint32_t *state)
 Get the port link state.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaPortStatsClear (uint32_t portNum)
 Clear port statistics.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaPortStatsGet (uint32_t portNum, ofdpaPortStats_t *stats)
 Get port statistics.
void ofdpaPortTypeGet (uint32_t portNum, uint32_t *type)
 Get the port type encoded in a port number value.
void ofdpaPortTypeSet (uint32_t *portNum, uint32_t type)
 Encode the port type in a port number value.
const char * ofdpaQosColorDecode (OFDPA_QOS_COLORS_t color)
 Returns the a string suitable for display to the user representing the color value.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaQueueRateGet (uint32_t portNum, uint32_t queueId, uint32_t *minRate, uint32_t *maxRate)
 The client calls this function to get minimum and maximum bandwidth on a queue on a given port.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaQueueRateSet (uint32_t portNum, uint32_t queueId, uint32_t minRate, uint32_t maxRate)
 The client calls this function to set minimum and maximum bandwidth on a queue on a given port.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaQueueStatsClear (uint32_t portNum, uint32_t queueId)
 The client calls this function to clear all the statistics of a queue on a port.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaQueueStatsGet (uint32_t portNum, uint32_t queueId, ofdpaPortQueueStats_t *stats)
 The client calls this function to get the statistics of a queue on a port.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaRemarkActionAdd (ofdpaRemarkActionEntry_t *remarkEntry)
 Add remark action entry.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaRemarkActionDelete (ofdpaRemarkActionEntry_t *remarkEntry)
 Delete remark action entry.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaRemarkActionEntryGet (ofdpaRemarkActionEntry_t *remarkEntry)
 Get remark action entry.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaRemarkEntryNextGet (ofdpaRemarkActionEntry_t *remarkEntry, ofdpaRemarkActionEntry_t *nextEntry)
 Retrieve the next remark entry.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaSourceMacLearningGet (OFDPA_CONTROL_t *mode, ofdpaSrcMacLearnModeCfg_t *srcMacLearnModeCfg)
 The client calls this function to get the Source Mac Learning Mode with other config parameters.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaSourceMacLearningSet (OFDPA_CONTROL_t mode, ofdpaSrcMacLearnModeCfg_t *srcMacLearnModeCfg)
 The client calls this function to set the Source Mac Learning Mode with other config parameters.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaTunnelEcmpNextHopGroupCreate (uint32_t ecmpNextHopGroupId, ofdpaTunnelEcmpNextHopGroupConfig_t *config)
 Create a tunnel ECMP next hop group entry.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaTunnelEcmpNextHopGroupDelete (uint32_t ecmpNextHopGroupId)
 Delete a tunnel ECMP next hop group entry.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaTunnelEcmpNextHopGroupGet (uint32_t ecmpNextHopGroupId, ofdpaTunnelEcmpNextHopGroupConfig_t *config, ofdpaTunnelEcmpNextHopGroupStatus_t *status)
 Retrieve tunnel ECMP next hop group configuration and/or status.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaTunnelEcmpNextHopGroupMaxMembersGet (uint32_t *maxMemberCount)
 Return the number of ECMP next hop group members supported by the switch.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaTunnelEcmpNextHopGroupMemberAdd (uint32_t ecmpNextHopGroupId, uint32_t nextHopId)
 Adds a next hop member to an ECMP next hop group entry.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaTunnelEcmpNextHopGroupMemberDelete (uint32_t ecmpNextHopGroupId, uint32_t nextHopId)
 Adds a next hop member to an ECMP next hop group entry.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaTunnelEcmpNextHopGroupMemberGet (uint32_t ecmpNextHopListGroupId, uint32_t nextHopId)
 Test whether a next hop is a member in the specified ECMP next hop group.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaTunnelEcmpNextHopGroupMemberNextGet (uint32_t ecmpNextHopListGroupId, uint32_t nextHopId, uint32_t *nextNextHopId)
 Gets the next member next hop in the ECMP next hop group.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaTunnelEcmpNextHopGroupNextGet (uint32_t ecmpNextHopGroupId, uint32_t *nextEcmpNextHopGroupId)
 Return the ECMP tunnel next hop group identifier, if any, for the entry after the one specified.
void ofdpaTunnelIdIndexGet (uint32_t tunnelId, uint32_t *index)
 Get the tunnel index encoded in a tunnel ID value.
void ofdpaTunnelIdIndexSet (uint32_t *tunnelId, uint32_t index)
 Encode the tunnel index in a tunnelId number.
void ofdpaTunnelIdTypeGet (uint32_t tunnelId, uint32_t *type)
 Get the tunnel type encoded in a tunnel ID value.
void ofdpaTunnelIdTypeSet (uint32_t *tunnelId, uint32_t type)
 Encode the tunnel type in a tunnel ID value.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaTunnelNextHopCreate (uint32_t nextHopId, ofdpaTunnelNextHopConfig_t *config)
 Create a tunnel next hop entry.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaTunnelNextHopDelete (uint32_t nextHopId)
 Delete a tunnel next hop entry.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaTunnelNextHopGet (uint32_t nextHopId, ofdpaTunnelNextHopConfig_t *config, ofdpaTunnelNextHopStatus_t *status)
 Retrieve tunnel next hop configuration and/or status.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaTunnelNextHopModify (uint32_t nextHopId, ofdpaTunnelNextHopConfig_t *config)
 Modify a tunnel next hop entry.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaTunnelNextHopNextGet (uint32_t nextHopId, uint32_t *nextNextHopId)
 Return the tunnel next hop identifier, if any, for the entry after the one specified.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaTunnelPortCreate (uint32_t portNum, ofdpa_buffdesc *name, ofdpaTunnelPortConfig_t *config)
 Create a tunnel logical port.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaTunnelPortDelete (uint32_t portNum)
 Delete a tunnel logical port.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaTunnelPortGet (uint32_t portNum, ofdpaTunnelPortConfig_t *config, ofdpaTunnelPortStatus_t *status)
 Retrieve tunnel logical port configuration and/or status.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaTunnelPortNextGet (uint32_t portNum, uint32_t *nextPortNum)
 Return the tunnel logical port identifier, if any, for the logical port after the one specified in the logical port table.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaTunnelPortTenantAdd (uint32_t portNum, uint32_t tunnelId)
 Adds a tenant reference to a logical port tunnel entry.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaTunnelPortTenantDelete (uint32_t portNum, uint32_t tunnelId)
 Deletes a tenant reference to a logical port tunnel entry.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaTunnelPortTenantGet (uint32_t portNum, uint32_t tunnelId, ofdpaTunnelPortTenantStatus_t *status)
 Test whether a tenant reference to a logical port exists for the port and tenant combination.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaTunnelPortTenantNextGet (uint32_t portNum, uint32_t tunnelId, uint32_t *nextTunnelId)
 Gets the next logical port tunnel entry after the port and tenant identified.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaTunnelTenantCreate (uint32_t tunnelId, ofdpaTunnelTenantConfig_t *config)
 Create a tunnel tenant entry.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaTunnelTenantDelete (uint32_t tunnelId)
 Delete a tunnel tenant entry.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaTunnelTenantGet (uint32_t tunnelId, ofdpaTunnelTenantConfig_t *config, ofdpaTunnelTenantStatus_t *status)
 Retrieve tunnel tenant configuration and/or status.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaTunnelTenantNextGet (uint32_t tunnelId, uint32_t *nextTunnelId)
 Return the tunnel identifier, if any, for the entry after the one specified.

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

int ofdpaBcmCommand ( ofdpa_buffdesc  buffer)

Execute a BCM command.

[in]bufferBCM command
0 success
<0 failure
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaClientEventSockBind ( void  )

Opens and binds OF-DPA Client's event socket.

event socket fd
This function must be called before calls to ofdpaEventReceive() or ofdpaClientEventSockFdGet().

Only one process in the system should bind the event socket at any one time. If multiple running processes have called this function, unpredictable results may occur.

int ofdpaClientEventSockFdGet ( void  )

Get OF-DPA Client's event socket fd.

event socket fd
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaClientInitialize ( char *  clientName)

Initialize OF-DPA client or user application.

For OF-DPA Standalone Application mode, sets up the RPC communication channel for the client. For the statically linked User Application, initializes the system.

[in]clientNameclient name
Return values
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameter passed
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaClientPktSockBind ( void  )

Opens and binds OF-DPA Client's packet socket.

event socket fd
This function must be called before calls to ofdpaPktReceive() or ofdpaClientPktSockFdGet().

Only one process in the system should bind the event socket at any one time. If multiple running processes have called this function, unpredictable results may occur.

int ofdpaClientPktSockFdGet ( void  )

Get OF-DPA Client's packet socket fd.

packet socket fd
int ofdpaCltDebugBuf ( ofdpa_buffdesc  functionName,
ofdpaComponentIds_t  component,
ofdpaDebugLevels_t  verbosity,
ofdpa_buffdesc  message 

Generate a debug message using a preformatted buffer.

[in]functionNamename of function generating message
[in]componentID of component generating message
[in]verbositymessage severity
[in]messagebuffer containing message
number of characters in debug message
value less than zero if error
int ofdpaCltDebugPrintf ( const char *  functionName,
ofdpaComponentIds_t  component,
ofdpaDebugLevels_t  verbosity,
const char *  format,

Generate a debug message using printf formatting.

[in]functionNamename of function generating message
[in]componentID of component generating message
[in]verbositymessage severity
[in]formatformat string
[in]...optional parameters for format string
number of characters in debug message
value less than zero if error
int ofdpaCltLogBuf ( int  priority,
ofdpa_buffdesc  message 

Generate a log message using a preformatted buffer.

[in]prioritymessage priority (syslog values)
[in]messagebuffer containing message
number of characters in log message
value less than zero if error
int ofdpaCltLogPrintf ( int  priority,
char *  fmt,

Generate a log message using printf formatting.

[in]prioritymessage priority (syslog values)
[in]fmtformat string
[in]...optional parameters for format string
number of characters in log message
value less than zero if error
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaComponentNameGet ( int  component,
ofdpa_buffdesc name 

Get the Component Name.

[in]componentcomponent number
[out]namecomponent name
Return values
OFDPA_E_FAILfailure to get component
int ofdpaDebugComponentGet ( int  component)

Get Component debugging mode.

[in]componentcomponent number (ofdpaComponentIds_t)
debug mode
int ofdpaDebugComponentSet ( int  component,
int  enable 

Enable/Disable the Component for debugging.

[in]componentcomponent number (ofdpaComponentIds_t)
[in]enabledebug mode (ofdpaDebugLevels_t)
0 success
1 failure
int ofdpaDebugLvl ( int  lvl)

Set the Debug Verbosity.

[in]lvlverbosity level (ofdpaDebugLevels_t)
0 success
int ofdpaDebugLvlGet ( void  )

Get the Debug Verbosity.

lvl verbosity level (ofdpaDebugLevels_t)
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaDropStatusActionGet ( uint32_t  lmepId,
uint8_t *  dropAction 

Get drop action value.

[in]lmepIdlmep id
[out]dropActiondrop action (drop or don't)
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEdrop action returned successfully
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_FAILdrop entry does not exist
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaDropStatusAdd ( ofdpaDropStatusEntry_t dropEntry)

Add drop status entry.

[in]dropEntrydrop entry
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEdrop entry added successfully
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_FULLDrop Status table full
OFDPA_E_EXISTSdrop entry exists
OFDPA_E_INTERNALinternal error
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaDropStatusDelete ( uint32_t  lmepId)

Delete drop status entry.

[in]lmepIdlmep id
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEdrop entry deleted successfully
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDdrop entry not found
OFDPA_E_FAILfailure; other errors
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaDropStatusEntryInit ( ofdpaDropStatusEntry_t dropEntry)

Initialize drop entry.

[in,out]dropEntrydrop entry
Return values
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaDropStatusGet ( uint32_t  lmepId,
ofdpaDropStatusEntry_t dropEntry 

Get drop status entry.

[in]lmepIdlmep id
[out]dropEntrydrop entry
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEdrop entry returned successfully
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_FAILdrop entry does not exist
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaDropStatusNextGet ( uint32_t  lmepId,
ofdpaDropStatusEntry_t nextDropEntry 

Get the next drop entry.

[in]lmepIdlmep id
[out]nextDropEntrynext drop entry
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEnext drop entry returned successfully
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_FAILnext drop does not exist
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaEventReceive ( struct timeval *  timeout)

Receive an event.

[in]timeouttime to wait for the event
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEevent received successfully
OFDPA_E_FAILfailure in socket creation, timeout configuration or event reception
OFDPA_E_TIMEOUTno event waiting to be received
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaFeatureSupported ( OFDPA_FEATURE_t  feature)

Indicates whether the switch supports a particular OF-DPA feature.

[in]featureThe feature identifier
Return values
OFDPA_E_UNAVAILIf the feature is not supported
OFDPA_E_NONEIf the feature is supported
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaFlowAdd ( ofdpaFlowEntry_t flow)

Add a new entry to a flow table.

[in]flowstructure containing flow entry parameters
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEflow entry added successfully
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in flow entry parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_ERRORflow entry validity check failed
OFDPA_E_FAILfailure occurred during flow entry installation
OFDPA_E_FULLmaximum number of flow entries already exist in table
OFDPA_E_EXISTSan entry that overlaps the new entry already exists in the table
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaFlowByCookieDelete ( uint64_t  cookie)

Delete the flow entry with the specified cookie.

[in]cookiecookie for the flow entry
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEflow entry deleted successfully
OFDPA_E_FAILerror while deleting flow entry, including failure to find matching flow entry
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaFlowByCookieGet ( uint64_t  cookie,
ofdpaFlowEntry_t flow,
ofdpaFlowEntryStats_t flowStats 

Returns statistics for the flow entry with the specified cookie value.

[in]cookiecookie for the flow entry
[out]flowstructure to store flow entry parameters
[out]flowStatsstructure to store flow entry statistics
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEflow entry was found and statistics returned
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in flow entry parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDno flow entry with matching cookie found
OFDPA_E_FAILthe operation failed to complete
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaFlowDelete ( ofdpaFlowEntry_t flow)

Delete an entry from a flow table.

[in]flowstructure containing flow entry parameters
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEflow entry added successfully
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in flow entry parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_FAILfailure occurred during flow entry installation
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDno matching flow entry found
OFDPA_E_ERRORflow deletion validation failed
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaFlowEntryDecode ( ofdpaFlowEntry_t flow,
char *  outBuf,
int  bufSize 

Decode a flow configuration structure into a descriptive string suitable for display to the user.

[in]flowflow configuration structure
[out]outBufbuffer to receive string
[in]bufSizesize of outBuf
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEentry decoded successfully
OFDPA_E_FULLbufSize not sufficient to hold the string generated, output truncated
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaFlowEntryInit ( OFDPA_FLOW_TABLE_ID_t  tableId,
ofdpaFlowEntry_t flow 

Initialize Flow entry structure.

[in]tableIdFlow Table ID
[in,out]flowFlow entry structure
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEif flow entry structure is initialized successfully.
OFDPA_E_PARAMif an input parameter is invalid.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaFlowEventNextGet ( ofdpaFlowEvent_t eventData)

Get the next flow event.

[in,out]eventDataevent data
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEflow event data returned successfully
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDnext port event not found
populate the table id in eventData to get the events for the flow table
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaFlowModify ( ofdpaFlowEntry_t flow)

Modify an existing entry in a flow table.

[in]flowstructure containing flow entry parameters
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEflow entry added successfully
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in flow entry parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_ERRORflow entry validity check failed
OFDPA_E_FAILfailure occurred during flow entry installation
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaFlowNextGet ( ofdpaFlowEntry_t flow,
ofdpaFlowEntry_t nextFlow 

Retrieve the next flow entry in the specified flow table.

     This API allows the client to walk the entries in a flow table.
     In order to get the first entry in a flow table, the client
     calls with the flow table identifier set and all other
     parameters set to zero.  Table entries are walked in the
     order the table is indexed.  If there are no entries in the
     table after the entry specified, a return code indicates the
     end of the flow table has been reached
[in]flowstructure containing flow entry parameters
[out]nextFlowstructure containing the next flow table entry, if any
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEthe next flow entry was found and returned
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in flow entry parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDno next flow entry found
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaFlowStatsGet ( ofdpaFlowEntry_t flow,
ofdpaFlowEntryStats_t flowStats 

Returns statistics for the flow entry specified.

[in]flowstructure containing flow entry parameters
[out]flowStatsstructure to store flow entry statistics
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEflow entry was found and statistics returned
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in flow entry parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDno matching flow entry found
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaFlowTableInfoGet ( OFDPA_FLOW_TABLE_ID_t  tableId,
ofdpaFlowTableInfo_t info 

Get Flow Table Info.

[in]tableIdflow table Id
[out]infoflow table info
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEtable info returned successfully
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDtable id not found
const char* ofdpaFlowTableNameGet ( OFDPA_FLOW_TABLE_ID_t  tableId)

Returns the flow table name as a string suitable for display to the user.

[in]tableIdflow table identifier
Return values
pointerto a string containing the flow table's name
If tableId value cannot be converted to name string, a string containing the text "[Table name not found]" is returned.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaFlowTableSupported ( OFDPA_FLOW_TABLE_ID_t  tableId)

Checks whether a table ID is a supported on the platform.

[in]tableIdFlow Table ID
Return values
OFDPA_E_UNAVAILthe value in tableId is not a valid table ID number
OFDPA_E_NONEthe value in tableId is a valid table ID number
Not every flow table defined in the OF-DPA Abstract Switch Specification is supported on all platforms. This function reports whether flows can be added to the flow table specified.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaGroupAdd ( ofdpaGroupEntry_t group)

Add Group.

[in]groupgroup entry
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEGroup added successfully
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_FULLGroup table full
OFDPA_E_EXISTSGroup entry exists
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDport encoded in Group type L2 Interface not found
OFDPA_E_INTERNALinternal error
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaGroupBucketEntryAdd ( ofdpaGroupBucketEntry_t bucket)

Add a Group Bucket entry.

[in]bucketgroup bucket entry
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEgroup bucket entry added successfully
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_FULLgroup bucket table full
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDgroup not found
OFDPA_E_EXISTSgroup bucket entry exists
OFDPA_E_INTERNALinternal errors or failures
OFDPA_E_FAILinternal errors or failures
For group table entries allowed to have multiple buckets, this is called more than once
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaGroupBucketEntryDecode ( ofdpaGroupBucketEntry_t bucketEntry,
char *  outBuf,
int  bufSize 

Decode a group bucket configuration structure into a descriptive string suitable for display to the user.

[in]bucketEntrygroup bucket configuration structure
[out]outBufbuffer to receive string
[in]bufSizesize of outBuf
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEGroup bucket entry decoded successfully
OFDPA_E_FULLbufSize not sufficient to hold the string generated, output truncated
OFDPA_E_ERRORError parsing group ID type or sub-type content
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaGroupBucketEntryDelete ( uint32_t  groupId,
uint32_t  bucketIndex 

Delete a Group Bucket entry.

[in]groupIdgroup id
[in]bucketIndexgroup bucket index
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEgroup bucket entry deleted successfully
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDgroup bucket entry not found
OFDPA_E_EXISTSgroup reference exists
OFDPA_E_INTERNALinternal errors or failures
OFDPA_E_FAILinternal errors or failures
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaGroupBucketEntryFirstGet ( uint32_t  groupId,
ofdpaGroupBucketEntry_t firstGroupBucket 

Get the first Group Bucket entry.

[in]groupIdgroup id
[out]firstGroupBucketfirst group bucket entry
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEgroup bucket entry returned successfully
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_FAILgroup bucket entry does not exist
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaGroupBucketEntryGet ( uint32_t  groupId,
uint32_t  bucketIndex,
ofdpaGroupBucketEntry_t groupBucket 

Get the Group Bucket entry.

[in]groupIdgroup id
[in]bucketIndexbucket index
[out]groupBucketgroup bucket entry
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEgroup bucket entry returned successfully
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_FAILgroup bucket entry does not exist
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaGroupBucketEntryInit ( OFDPA_GROUP_ENTRY_TYPE_t  groupType,
ofdpaGroupBucketEntry_t bucket 

Initialize Flow entry structure.

[in]groupTypeGroup Type
[in,out]bucketGroup bucket entry structure
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEif group bucket entry structure is initialized successfully.
OFDPA_E_PARAMif an input parameter is invalid.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaGroupBucketEntryModify ( ofdpaGroupBucketEntry_t bucket)

Modify Group Bucket entry.

[in]bucketgroup bucket entry to be modified
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEgroup bucket entry modified successfully
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDgroup bucket entry not found
OFDPA_E_INTERNALinternal errors or failures
OFDPA_E_FAILinternal errors or failures
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaGroupBucketEntryNextGet ( uint32_t  groupId,
uint32_t  bucketIndex,
ofdpaGroupBucketEntry_t nextBucketEntry 

Get the next Group Bucket entry.

[in]groupIdgroup id
[in]bucketIndexbucket index
[out]nextBucketEntrynext group bucket entry
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEnext group bucket entry returned successfully
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_FAILnext group bucket entry does not exist
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaGroupBucketsDeleteAll ( uint32_t  groupId)

Delete all Buckets from a Group.

[in]groupIdgroup id
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEgroup bucket entry deleted successfully
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_EXISTSgroup reference exists
OFDPA_E_INTERNALinternal errors or failures
OFDPA_E_FAILinternal errors or failures
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaGroupDecode ( uint32_t  groupId,
char *  outBuf,
int  bufSize 

Decode a group ID value into a descriptive string suitable for display to the user.

[in]groupIdgroup id
[out]outBufgroup id decoded
[in]bufSizesize of outBuf
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEGroup Id Decoded successfully
OFDPA_E_FULLbufSize not sufficient to hold the decoded Group Id, output truncated
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaGroupDelete ( uint32_t  groupId)

Delete Group.

[in]groupIdgroup id
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEGroup deleted successfully
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDgroup entry not found
OFDPA_E_FAILfailure; other errors
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaGroupEntryInit ( OFDPA_GROUP_ENTRY_TYPE_t  groupType,
ofdpaGroupEntry_t group 

Initialize Flow entry structure.

[in]groupTypeGroup Type
[in,out]groupGroup entry structure
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEif group entry structure is initialized successfully.
OFDPA_E_PARAMif an input parameter is invalid.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaGroupIndexGet ( uint32_t  groupId,
uint32_t *  index 

Get the Index encoded in the Group Id.

[in]groupIdgroup id
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEIndex returned successfully
OFDPA_E_UNAVAILIndex not available
Applicable Group Types L2 Rewrite, L3 Unicast, L3 Interface, L3 ECMP
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaGroupIndexSet ( uint32_t *  groupId,
uint32_t  index 

Encode the Index in the Group Id.

[in,out]groupIdgroup id
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEEncoded successfully
OFDPA_E_UNAVAILIndex field not available in Group Id
Applicable Group Types L2 Rewrite, L3 Unicast, L3 Interface, L3 ECMP
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaGroupMplsL2TunnelIdGet ( uint32_t  groupId,
uint32_t *  tunnelId 

Get the tunnel Id from the Group Id.

[in]groupIdgroup id
[out]tunnelIdtunnel Id
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEtunnel Id returned successfully
OFDPA_E_UNAVAILtunnel Id field not available in Group Id
Applicable MPLS Group Sub-types L2 Flood and L2 Multicast
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaGroupMplsL2TunnelIdSet ( uint32_t *  groupId,
uint32_t  tunnelId 

Encode the tunnel Id in the Group Id.

[in,out]groupIdgroup id
[in]tunnelIdtunnel Id
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEEncoded successfully
OFDPA_E_UNAVAILtunnel Id field not available in Group Id
Applicable MPLS Group Sub-types L2 Flood and L2 Multicast
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaGroupMplsSubTypeGet ( uint32_t  groupId,
uint32_t *  subType 

Get the MPLS Group Sub-type from the Group Id.

[in]groupIdgroup id
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONESub-type returned successfully
OFDPA_E_UNAVAILSub-type field not available in Group Id
Applicable MPLS Group Sub-types MPLS Interface, MPLS Label, MPLS FAST FAILOVER
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaGroupMplsSubTypeSet ( uint32_t *  groupId,
uint32_t  subType 

Encode the MPLS Group Sub-type in the Group Id.

[in,out]groupIdgroup id
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEEncoded successfully
OFDPA_E_UNAVAILSub-type field not available in Group Id
Applicable Group Types MPLS Interface, MPLS Label, MPLS FAST FAILOVER
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaGroupNextGet ( uint32_t  groupId,
ofdpaGroupEntry_t nextGroup 

Get the next Group entry.

[in]groupIdgroup id
[out]nextGroupnext group entry
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEnext group entry returned successfully
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_FAILnext group does not exist
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaGroupOverlayIndexGet ( uint32_t  groupId,
uint32_t *  index 

Get the Overlay Group index in the Group Id.

[in]groupIdgroup id
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEindex returned successfully
OFDPA_E_UNAVAILindex field not available in Group Id
Applicable Group Types L2 Overlay
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaGroupOverlayIndexSet ( uint32_t *  groupId,
uint32_t  index 

Encode the Overlay Group index in the Group Id.

[in,out]groupIdgroup id
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEEncoded successfully
OFDPA_E_UNAVAILSub-type field not available in Group Id
Applicable Group Types L2 Overlay
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaGroupOverlaySubTypeGet ( uint32_t  groupId,

Get the Overlay Group Sub-type from the Group Id.

[in]groupIdgroup id
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONESub-type returned successfully
OFDPA_E_UNAVAILSub-type field not available in Group Id
Applicable Group Types L2 Overlay
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaGroupOverlaySubTypeSet ( uint32_t *  groupId,

Encode the Overlay Group Sub-type in the Group Id.

[in,out]groupIdgroup id
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEEncoded successfully
OFDPA_E_UNAVAILSub-type field not available in Group Id
Applicable Group Types L2 Overlay
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaGroupOverlayTunnelIdGet ( uint32_t  groupId,
uint32_t *  tunnelId 

Get the tunnel Id from the Group Id.

[in]groupIdgroup id
[out]tunnelIdtunnel Id
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEtunnel Id returned successfully
OFDPA_E_UNAVAILtunnel Id field not available in Group Id
Applicable Group Types L2 Overlay
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaGroupOverlayTunnelIdSet ( uint32_t *  groupId,
uint32_t  tunnelId 

Encode the tunnel Id in the Group Id.

[in,out]groupIdgroup id
[in]tunnelIdtunnel Id
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEEncoded successfully
OFDPA_E_UNAVAILtunnel Id field not available in Group Id
Applicable Group Types L2 Overlay
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaGroupPortIdGet ( uint32_t  groupId,
uint32_t *  portId 

Get the Port ID encoded in the Group Id.

[in]groupIdgroup id
[out]portIdPort Id
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEPort Id returned successfully
OFDPA_E_UNAVAILPort Id not available
Applicable for L2 Interface group types only
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaGroupPortIdSet ( uint32_t *  groupId,
uint32_t  portId 

Encode the Port Id in the Group Id.

[in,out]groupIdgroup id
[in]portIdPort Id
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEEncoded successfully
OFDPA_E_UNAVAILPort Id field not available in Group Id
Applicable Group Types L2 Interface only
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaGroupStatsGet ( uint32_t  groupId,
ofdpaGroupEntryStats_t groupStats 

Get Group statistics.

[in]groupIdgroup id
[out]groupStatsgroup statistics
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEgroup statistics returned successfully
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDgroup not found
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaGroupTableInfoGet ( uint32_t  groupId,
ofdpaGroupTableInfo_t info 

Get Group table info.

[in]groupIdgroup id
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEgroup info returned successfully
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDgroup type not found
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaGroupTableTotalEntryCountGet ( uint32_t *  entryCount)

Reports the number of group entries of all types.

[out]entryCounttotal number of group entries configured
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEgroup entry count returned successfully
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaGroupTypeGet ( uint32_t  groupId,
uint32_t *  type 

Get the Group Type encoded in the Group ID.

[in]groupIdgroup id
[out]typegroup type
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEGroup Id returned successfully
Applicable for all group types
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaGroupTypeNextGet ( uint32_t  groupId,
ofdpaGroupEntry_t nextGroup 

Get the next Group entry of a given type.

[in]groupIdgroup id
[in]groupTypegroup type
[out]nextGroupnext group entry
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEnext group entry returned successfully
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_FAILnext group does not exist
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaGroupTypeSet ( uint32_t *  groupId,
uint32_t  type 

Encode the Group Type in the Group Id.

[in,out]groupIdgroup id
[in]typegroup type
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEEncoded successfully
Applicable for all group types
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaGroupVlanGet ( uint32_t  groupId,
uint32_t *  vlanId 

Get the VLAN ID encoded in the Group Id.

[in]groupIdgroup id
[out]vlanIdVLAN Id
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEVLAN Id returned successfully
OFDPA_E_UNAVAILVLAN Id not available
Applicable for L2 Interface, L2 Multicast, L2 Flood, and L3 Multicast group types only
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaGroupVlanSet ( uint32_t *  groupId,
uint32_t  vlanId 

Encode the VLAN Id in the Group Id.

[in,out]groupIdgroup id
[in]vlanIdVLAN Id
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEEncoded successfully
OFDPA_E_UNAVAILVLAN Id field not available in Group Id
Applicable Group Types L2 Interface, L2 Multicast, L2 Flood and L3 Multicast
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaMaxPktSizeGet ( uint32_t *  pktSize)

Report the size in bytes of the largest packet that can be received.

[out]pktSizeThe maximum packet size, in bytes.
Return values
A client can use the returned value to size a packet receive buffer.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaMeterAdd ( uint32_t  meterId,
ofdpaMeterEntry_t meter 

Add Meter.

[in]meterIdmeter id
[in]metermeter entry
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEMeter added successfully
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_FULLMeter table full
OFDPA_E_EXISTSMeter entry exists
OFDPA_E_INTERNALinternal error
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaMeterDelete ( uint32_t  meterId)

Delete Meter.

[in]meterIdmeter id
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEMeter deleted successfully
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDmeter entry not found
OFDPA_E_FAILfailure; other errors
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaMeterEntryInit ( ofdpaMeterEntry_t meter)

Initialize Meter entry.

[in,out]metermeter entry
Return values
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaMeterGet ( uint32_t  meterId,
ofdpaMeterEntry_t meter 

Get the Meter entry.

[in]meterIdmeter id
[out]metermeter entry
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEmeter entry returned successfully
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_FAILnext meter does not exist
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaMeterNextGet ( uint32_t  meterId,
uint32_t *  nextMeterId 

Get the next Meter entry.

[in]meterIdmeter id
[out]nextMeterIdnext meter entry
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEnext meter entry returned successfully
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_FAILnext meter does not exist
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaMeterStatsGet ( uint32_t  meterId,
ofdpaMeterEntryStats_t meterStats 

Get Meter statistics.

[in]meterIdmeter id
[out]meterStatsmeter statistics
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEmeter statistics returned successfully
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDmeter not found
void ofdpaMplsL2PortIndexGet ( uint32_t  portNum,
uint32_t *  index 

Get the MPLS L2 port index encoded in a port number value.

[in]portNumport number value
[out]indexport index
void ofdpaMplsL2PortIndexSet ( uint32_t *  portNum,
uint32_t  index 

Encode the MPLS L2 port index in a port number.

[in,out]portNumport number storage
[in]indexport index
void ofdpaMplsL2PortTypeGet ( uint32_t  portNum,
uint32_t *  type 

Get the MPLS L2 port type encoded in a port number value.

[in]portNumport number value
[out]typeport type
void ofdpaMplsL2PortTypeSet ( uint32_t *  portNum,
uint32_t  type 

Encode the MPLS L2 port type in a port number value.

[in,out]portNumport number storage
[in]typeport type
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaMplsQosActionAdd ( ofdpaMplsQosEntry_t mplsQosEntry)

Add MPLS Set QoS action entry.

[in]mplsQosEntrystructure containing action entry parameters
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEaction entry added successfully
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_FULLMPLS Set QoS Action table full
OFDPA_E_EXISTSaction entry exists
OFDPA_E_INTERNALinternal error
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaMplsQosActionDelete ( ofdpaMplsQosEntry_t mplsQosEntry)

Delete MPLS Set QoS action entry.

[in]mplsQosEntrystructure containing action entry parameters
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEentry deleted successfully
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDentry not found
OFDPA_E_FAILfailure; other errors
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaMplsQosActionEntryGet ( uint8_t  qosIndex,
uint8_t  mpls_tc,
ofdpaMplsQosEntry_t mplsQosEntry 

Get MPLS Set QoS action entry.

[in]qosIndexQoS index
[in]mpls_tcvalue from label shim header
[out]mplsQosEntrystructure containing action entry parameters
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEentry returned successfully
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDentry not found
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaMplsQosEntryInit ( ofdpaMplsQosEntry_t mplsQosEntry)

Initialize MPLS QoS entry.

[in,out]mplsQosEntryMPLS QoS entry
Return values
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaMplsQosEntryNextGet ( ofdpaMplsQosEntry_t mplsQosEntry,
ofdpaMplsQosEntry_t nextEntry 

Retrieve the next MPLS QoS entry.

This API allows the client to walk the entries in a MPLS Set QoS table. In order to get the first entry in a MPLS Set QoS table, the client calls with all parameters set to zero. Table entries are walked in the order the table is indexed. If there are no entries in the table after the entry specified, a return code indicates the end of the MPLS Set QoS table has been reached

[in]mplsQosEntrystructure containing action entry parameters
[out]nextEntrystructure containing the next MPLS Set QoS table entry, if any
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEthe next action entry was found and returned
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in action entry parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDno next action entry found
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaNumQueuesGet ( uint32_t  portNum,
uint32_t *  numQueues 

The client calls this function to get the number of COS queues on a port.

[in]portNumPort number
[out]numQueuesNumber of Queues on a port
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEif number of queues on a port is returned.
OFDPA_E_PARAMif an input parameter is invalid.
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDthe port does not exist.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamAisConfigGet ( uint32_t  lmepId,
ofdpaOamAisConfig_t config 

Retrieve OAM Alarm Indication Signal configuration for the specified MEP using the configuration parameters provided.

[in]lmepIdunique identifier for the MEP entry
[in]configstructure containing configuration parameters
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEAIS config retrieved successfully
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDentry with identifier not configured
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamAisDisable ( uint32_t  lmepId)

Disable sending OAM Alarm Indication Signal (AIS) messages for the specified MEP.

[in]lmepIdunique identifier for the MEP entry
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEAIS unconfigured successfully
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDentry with identifier not configured
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamAisEnable ( uint32_t  lmepId,
ofdpaOamAisConfig_t config 

Enable sending OAM Alarm Indication Signal (AIS) messages for the specified MEP using the configuration parameters provided.

[in]lmepIdunique identifier for the MEP entry
[in]configstructure containing configuration parameters
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEAIS configured successfully
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDentry with identifier not configured
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamCsfDisable ( uint32_t  lmepId)

Disable sending OAM Client Signal Fail (CSF) messages for the specified MEP.

[in]lmepIdunique identifier for the MEP entry
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONECSF unconfigured successfully
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDentry with identifier not configured
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamCsfEnable ( uint32_t  lmepId,
ofdpaOamCsfConfig_t config 

Enable sending OAM Client Signal Fail (CSF) messages for the specified MEP using the configuration parameters provided.

[in]lmepIdunique identifier for the MEP entry
[in]configstructure containing configuration parameters
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONECSF configured successfully
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDentry with identifier not configured
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamDataCounterAdd ( uint32_t  lmepId,
uint8_t  trafficClass 

Add data counter entry.

[in]lmepIdlmep id
[in]trafficClasstraffic class
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEdata counter entry added successfully
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_FULLData Counter table full
OFDPA_E_EXISTSdata counter entry exists
OFDPA_E_INTERNALinternal error
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamDataCounterDelete ( uint32_t  lmepId,
uint8_t  trafficClass 

Delete data counter entry.

[in]lmepIdlmep id
[in]trafficClasstraffic class
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEdata counter entry deleted successfully
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDdata counter entry not found
OFDPA_E_FAILfailure; other errors
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamDataCounterGet ( ofdpaOamDataCounterIndex_t  index,
ofdpaOamDataCounterStatus_t status 

Get the data counter entry.

[in]indexlmep id and traffic class index
[out]statusentry status
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEnext data counter entry returned successfully
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_FAILdata counter does not exist
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamDataCounterNextGet ( ofdpaOamDataCounterIndex_t  index,
ofdpaOamDataCounterIndex_t nextIndex,
ofdpaOamDataCounterStatus_t status 

Get the next data counter entry.

[in]indexlmep id and traffic class index
[out]nextIndexindex of the next data couter entry
[out]statusnext entry status
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEnext data counter entry returned successfully
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_FAILnext data counter does not exist
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamDataCountersLMClear ( ofdpaOamDataCounterIndex_t  index)

Clear OAM LM counters.

[in]indexlmep id and traffic class index
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONELM counters cleared successfully
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamDataCountersLMGet ( ofdpaOamDataCounterIndex_t  index,
uint32_t *  TxFCl,
uint32_t *  RxFCl 

Get OAM LM counters.

[in]indexlmep id and traffic class index
[out]TxFCltx counters
[out]RxFClrx counters
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONELM counters returned successfully
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamDataCounterStatusGet ( uint32_t  lmepId,
uint8_t  trafficClass,
ofdpaOamDataCounterStatus_t status 

Get data counter entry status.

[in]lmepIdlmep id
[in]trafficClasstraffic class
[out]statusentry status
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEdata counter entry status returned successfully
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_FAILdata counter entry does not exist
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamEventNextGet ( ofdpaOamEvent_t eventData)

Get the next OAM event.

[in,out]eventDataevent data
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEevent data returned successfully
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDnext port event not found
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamLbCreate ( uint32_t  lmepId,
ofdpaOamLbConfig_t config 

Create an OAM Loopback Entry.

[in]lmepIdunique identifier for the MEP entry
[in]configstructure containing configuration parameters
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEentry successfully created
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_ERRORconfiguration error
OFDPA_E_FAILfailure occurred during creation
OFDPA_E_FULLmaximum number of entries already created
OFDPA_E_EXISTSan entry with the specified indices already created
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamLbGet ( uint32_t  lmepId,
ofdpaOamLbConfig_t config,
ofdpaOamLbStatus_t status 

Get the status of loopback.

[in]lmepIdunique identifier for the MEP entry
[out]configstructure containing configuration parameters
[out]statusstructure containing status parameters
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEentry successfully retrieved
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDentry with id not configured
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamLbStart ( uint32_t  lmepId)

Start on demand loopback.

[in]lmepIdunique identifier for the MEP entry
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEentry successfully retrieved
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDentry with id not configured
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamLbStop ( uint32_t  lmepId)

Stop on demand loopback.

[in]lmepIdunique identifier for the MEP entry
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEentry successfully retrieved
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDentry with id not configured
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamLckConfigGet ( uint32_t  lmepId,
ofdpaOamLckConfig_t config 

Retrieve OAM Lock Signal configuration for the specified MEP using the configuration parameters provided.

[in]lmepIdunique identifier for the MEP entry
[in]configstructure containing configuration parameters
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONELock Signal config retrieved successfully
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDentry with identifier not configured
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamLckDisable ( uint32_t  lmepId)

Disable sending OAM Lock Signal (LCK) messages for the.

Disable sending OAM Alarm Indication Signal (AIS) messages for the specified MEP.

[in]lmepIdunique identifier for the MEP entry
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONELock Signal unconfigured successfully
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDentry with identifier not configured
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamLckEnable ( uint32_t  lmepId,
ofdpaOamLckConfig_t config 

Enable sending OAM Lock Signal (LCK) messages for the specified MEP using the configuration parameters provided.

[in]lmepIdunique identifier for the MEP entry
[in]configstructure containing configuration parameters
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONELock Signal configured successfully
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDentry with identifier not configured
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamLtGet ( uint32_t  lmepId,
ofdpaOamLtConfig_t config,
ofdpaOamLtStatus_t status 

Retrieve OAM Link Trace configuration and/or status.

[in]lmepIdunique identifier for the MEP entry
[out]configstructure containing configuration (optional)
[out]statusstructure containing status (optional)
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEdata successfully retrieved
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDentry with identifier not configured
If the caller does not require the data in the configuration or status structure, either or both parameters may be set to NULL. An example of this type of invocation is if the caller is checking on presence of the entry, but has no need for the configuration or status data.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamLtResultNextGet ( uint32_t  lmepId,
uint32_t  sequenceNum,
uint32_t  receiveOrder,
ofdpaOamLtrEntry_t ltResult 

Retrieve Next OAM Link Trace record.

[in]lmepIdunique identifier for the MEP entry
[in]sequenceNumsequence number for the link trace record
[in]receiveOrderreceive order for the link trace record
[out]ltResultstructure containing result
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEsuccessfully retrieved next entry
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDnext entry not found
For retrieving first record sequenceNum and receiveOrder should be set to zero.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamLtStart ( uint32_t  lmepId,
ofdpaOamLtConfig_t config 

Initiates a OAM Link Trace session.

[in]lmepIdunique identifier for the MEP entry
[in]configstructure containing configuration parameters
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEentry successfully created
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_ERRORconfiguration error
OFDPA_E_FAILfailure occurred during creation
OFDPA_E_FULLmaximum number of entries already created
OFDPA_E_EXISTSan entry with the specified indices already created
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamMegCreate ( uint32_t  megIndex,
ofdpaOamMegConfig_t config 

Create an OAM MEG entry.

[in]megIndexunique identifier for the MEG entry
[in]configstructure containing configuration parameters
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEentry successfully created
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_ERRORconfiguration error
OFDPA_E_FAILfailure occurred during creation
OFDPA_E_FULLmaximum number of entries already created
OFDPA_E_EXISTSan entry with the specified indices already created
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamMegDelete ( uint32_t  megIndex)

Delete an OAM MEG entry.

[in]megIndexunique identifier for the MEG entry
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEentry successfully deleted
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDentry with identifier not configured
OFDPA_E_FAILfailure occurred during deletion
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamMegGet ( uint32_t  megIndex,
ofdpaOamMegConfig_t config,
ofdpaOamMegStatus_t status 

Retrieve OAM MEG configuration and/or status.

[in]megIndexunique identifier for the MEG entry
[out]configstructure containing configuration (optional)
[out]statusstructure containing status (optional)
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEdata successfully retrieved
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDentry with identifier not configured
If the caller does not require the data in the configuration or status structure, either or both parameters may be set to NULL. An example of this type of invocation is if the caller is checking on presence of the entry, but has no need for the configuration or status data.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamMegNextGet ( uint32_t  megIndex,
uint32_t *  nextMegIndex 

Return the MEG index, if any, for the entry after the one specified.

[in]megIndexspecifies the starting MEG index
[out]nextMegIndexunique identifier for the next MEG entry of the given type
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEnext identifier found
OFDPA_E_FAILno next identifier found
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamMepCCMDatabaseEntryGet ( uint32_t  lmepId,
uint32_t  remoteMepId,
ofdpaOamCcmDatabaseEntry_t dbEntry 

Retrieve OAM MEP CCM database entry status.

[in]lmepIdunique identifier for the MEP entry
[in]remoteMepIdunique identifier for the remote MEP entry
[out]dbEntrystructure containing entry (optional)
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEdata successfully retrieved
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDentry with identifier not configured
OFDPA_E_INTERNALinternal error
If the caller does not require the data in the entry, this parameter may be set to NULL. An example of this type of invocation is if the caller is checking on presence of the entry, but has no need for the data.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamMepCCMDatabaseEntryNextGet ( uint32_t  lmepId,
uint32_t  remoteMepId,
uint32_t *  nextRemoteMepId 

Return the OAM MEP CCM database entry identifier, if any, for the entry after the specified remote MEP.

[in]lmepIdunique identifier for the MEP entry
[in]remoteMepIdunique identifier for the remote MEP entry
[out]nextRemoteMepIdunique identifier for the next remote MEP entry
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEnext identifier found
OFDPA_E_FAILno next identifier found
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamMepCreate ( uint32_t  lmepId,
ofdpaOamMepConfig_t config 

Create an OAM MEP entry.

[in]lmepIdunique identifier for the MEP entry
[in]configstructure containing configuration parameters
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEentry successfully created
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_ERRORconfiguration error
OFDPA_E_FAILfailure occurred during creation
OFDPA_E_FULLmaximum number of entries already created
OFDPA_E_EXISTSan entry with the specified indices already created
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamMepDelete ( uint32_t  lmepId)

Delete an OAM MEP entry.

[in]lmepIdunique identifier for the MEP entry
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEentry successfully deleted
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDentry with identifier not configured
OFDPA_E_FAILfailure occurred during deletion
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamMepGet ( uint32_t  lmepId,
ofdpaOamMepConfig_t config,
ofdpaOamMepStatus_t status 

Retrieve OAM MEP configuration and/or status.

[in]lmepIdunique identifier for the MEP entry
[out]configstructure containing configuration (optional)
[out]statusstructure containing status (optional)
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEdata successfully retrieved
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDentry with identifier not configured
If the caller does not require the data in the configuration or status structure, either or both parameters may be set to NULL. An example of this type of invocation is if the caller is checking on presence of the entry, but has no need for the configuration or status data.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamMepLtrEntryGet ( uint32_t  lmepId,
uint32_t  index,
ofdpaOamLtrEntry_t ltrEntry 

Retrieve OAM MEP LT Reply entry status.

[in]lmepIdunique identifier for the MEP entry
[in]indexunique identifier for the entry
[out]ltrEntrystructure containing entry (optional)
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEdata successfully retrieved
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDentry with identifier not configured
If the caller does not require the data in the entry, this parameter may be set to NULL. An example of this type of invocation is if the caller is checking on presence of the entry, but has no need for the data.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamMepLtrEntryNextGet ( uint32_t  lmepId,
uint32_t  index,
uint32_t *  nextIndex 

Return the OAM MEP LT Reply entry identifier, if any, for the entry after the one specified.

[in]lmepIdunique identifier for the MEP entry
[in]indexunique identifier for the entry
[out]nextIndexunique identifier for the next entry
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEnext identifier found
OFDPA_E_FAILno next identifier found
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamMepNextGet ( uint32_t  lmepId,
uint32_t *  nextLmepId 

Return the MEP identifier, if any, for the entry after the one specified.

[in]lmepIdunique identifier for the MEP entry
[out]nextLmepIdunique identifier for the next MEP entry on the MEG
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEnext identifier found
OFDPA_E_FAILno next identifier found
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamMepProtectionAdd ( uint32_t  mlpGroupIndex,
uint32_t  lmepId 

Add a local MEP to the specfied MPLS-TP Linear Protection Group.

[in]mlpGroupIndexMLP Group entry index
[in]lmepIdunique identifier for the MEP entry
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONElocal MEP successfully added to protection group
OFDPA_E_ERRORrequested combination failed validation
OFDPA_E_FAILfailure adding local MEP to protection group
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDeither the MLP group or local MEP entry specified is not configured
OFDPA_E_EXISTSan entry for this combination exists
OFDPA_E_FULLthe table storing these entries is full
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamMepProtectionGet ( uint32_t  mlpGroupIndex,
uint32_t  lmepId 

Checks whether local MEP is associated with this MPLS-TP Linear Protection Group.

[in]mlpGroupIndexMLP Group entry index
[in]lmepIdunique identifier for the MEP entry
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONElocal MEP is associated with this protection group
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDlocal MEP is not associated with this protection group
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamMepProtectionNextGet ( uint32_t  mlpGroupIndex,
uint32_t  lmepId,
uint32_t *  nextLmepId 

Returns the index of the next local MEP associated with this MPLS-TP Linear Protection Group, if any exists.

[in]mlpGroupIndexMLP Group entry index
[in]lmepIdunique identifier for the MEP entry
[out]nextLmepIdstorage for value of next MEP entry identifier, if any
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEnext identifier found
OFDPA_E_FAILno next identifier found
OFDPA_E_PARAMparameter error, such as passing a null pointer
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamMepProtectionRemove ( uint32_t  mlpGroupIndex,
uint32_t  lmepId 

Remove a local MEP to the specfied MPLS-TP Linear Protection Group.

[in]mlpGroupIndexMLP Group entry index
[in]lmepIdunique identifier for the MEP entry
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONElocal MEP successfully removed from protection group
OFDPA_E_FAILfailure adding local MEP to protection group
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDeither the MLP group or local MEP entry specified is not configured
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamMipCreate ( uint32_t  localMpId,
ofdpaOamMipConfig_t config 

Create an OAM MIP entry.

[in]localMpIdunique identifier for the MIP entry
[in]configstructure containing configuration parameters
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEentry successfully created
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_ERRORconfiguration error
OFDPA_E_FAILfailure occurred during creation
OFDPA_E_FULLmaximum number of entries already created
OFDPA_E_EXISTSan entry with the specified indices already created
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamMipDelete ( uint32_t  localMpId)

Delete an OAM MIP entry.

[in]localMpIdunique identifier for the MIP entry
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEentry successfully deleted
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDentry with identifier not configured
OFDPA_E_FAILfailure occurred during deletion
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamMipGet ( uint32_t  localMpId,
ofdpaOamMipConfig_t config,
ofdpaOamMipStatus_t status 

Retrieve OAM MIP configuration and/or status.

[in]localMpIdunique identifier for the MIP entry
[out]configstructure containing configuration (optional)
[out]statusstructure containing status (optional)
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEdata successfully retrieved
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDentry with identifier not configured
If the caller does not require the data in the configuration or status structure, either or both parameters may be set to NULL. An example of this type of invocation is if the caller is checking on presence of the entry, but has no need for the configuration or status data.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamMipNextGet ( uint32_t  localMpId,
uint32_t *  nextLocalMpId 

Return the MIP identifier, if any, for the entry after the one specified.

[in]localMpIdunique identifier for the current MIP entry
[out]nextLocalMpIdunique identifier for the next MIP entry
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEnext identifier found
OFDPA_E_FAILno next identifier found
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamMLPGroupCreate ( uint32_t  index,
ofdpaOamMLPGroupConfig_t config 

Create an MPLS-TP Linear Protection Group entry.

[in]indexunique identifier for the entry
[in]configdata to configure the entry
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEentry added to table
OFDPA_E_PARAMincorrect parameter (e.g., NULL pointer)
OFDPA_E_FAILerror adding entry to table
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamMLPGroupDelete ( uint32_t  index)

Delete an MPLS-TP Linear Protection Group entry.

[in]indexunique identifier for the entry
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEentry deleted from table
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDspecified entry not found
OFDPA_E_FAILerror adding entry to table
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamMLPGroupGet ( uint32_t  index,
ofdpaOamMLPGroupConfig_t config,
ofdpaOamMLPGroupStatus_t status 

Retrieve an MPLS-TP Linear Protection Group entry.

[in]indexunique identifier for the entry
[out]configstructure containing configuration (optional)
[out]statusstructure containing status (optional)
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEdata successfully retrieved
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDentry with identifier not configured
If the caller does not require the data in the configuration or status structure, either or both parameters may be set to NULL. An example of this type of invocation is if the caller is checking on presence of the entry, but has no need for the configuration or status data.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamMLPGroupNextGet ( uint32_t  index,
uint32_t *  nextIndex 

Return the MPLS-TP Linear Protection Group entry identifier, if any, for the entry after the one specified.

[in]indexunique identifier for the entry
[out]nextIndexnext entry identifier if found
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEnext identifier found
OFDPA_E_FAILno next identifier found
OFDPA_E_PARAMparameter error, such as passing a null pointer
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamMLPGroupRequest ( uint32_t  index,

Issue a request to the MPLS-TP Linear Protection Group.

[in]indexunique identifier for the entry
[in]requesttype of request to issue
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONErequest successfully initiated
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDentry with identifier not configured
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamOdDmCountersGet ( uint32_t  lmepId,
ofdpaOamOdDmSnapshot_t counters 

Retrieve OAM Performance Measurement OnDemand Delay Measurement counters.

[in]lmepIdunique identifier for the MEP entry
[out]countersstructure containing counters
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEdata successfully retrieved
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDentry with identifier not configured
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamOdDmCreate ( uint32_t  lmepId,
ofdpaOamOdDmConfig_t config 

Create an OAM Performance Measurement OnDemand Delay Measurement entry.

[in]lmepIdunique identifier for the MEP entry
[in]configstructure containing configuration parameters
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEentry successfully created
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_ERRORconfiguration error
OFDPA_E_FAILfailure occurred during creation
OFDPA_E_FULLmaximum number of entries already created
OFDPA_E_EXISTSan entry with the specified indices already created
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamOdDmDelete ( uint32_t  lmepId)

Delete an OAM Performance Measurement OnDemand Delay Measurement entry.

[in]lmepIdunique identifier for the MEP entry
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEentry successfully deleted
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDentry with identifier not configured
OFDPA_E_FAILfailure occurred during deletion
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamOdDmGet ( uint32_t  lmepId,
ofdpaOamOdDmConfig_t config,
ofdpaOamOdDmStatus_t status 

Retrieve OAM Performance Measurement OnDemand Delay Measurement configuration and/or status.

[in]lmepIdunique identifier for the MEP entry
[out]configstructure containing configuration (optional)
[out]statusstructure containing status (optional)
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEdata successfully retrieved
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDentry with identifier not configured
If the caller does not require the data in the configuration or status structure, either or both parameters may be set to NULL. An example of this type of invocation is if the caller is checking on presence of the entry, but has no need for the configuration or status data.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamOdDmStart ( uint32_t  lmepId)

Start OAM Performance Measurement OnDemand Delay Measurement session.

[in]lmepIdunique identifier for the MEP entry
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEdata successfully retrieved
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDentry with identifier not configured
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamOdDmStop ( uint32_t  lmepId)

Stop OAM Performance Measurement OnDemand Delay Measurement session.

[in]lmepIdunique identifier for the MEP entry
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEdata successfully retrieved
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDentry with identifier not configured
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamOdLmCountersGet ( uint32_t  lmepId,
ofdpaOamOdLmSnapshot_t counters 

Retrieve OAM Performance Measurement OnDemand Loss Measurement counters.

[in]lmepIdunique identifier for the MEP entry
[out]countersstructure containing counters
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEdata successfully retrieved
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDentry with identifier not configured
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamOdLmCreate ( uint32_t  lmepId,
ofdpaOamOdLmConfig_t config 

Create an OAM Performance Measurement OnDemand Loss Measurement entry.

[in]lmepIdunique identifier for the MEP entry
[in]configstructure containing configuration parameters
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEentry successfully created
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_ERRORconfiguration error
OFDPA_E_FAILfailure occurred during creation
OFDPA_E_FULLmaximum number of entries already created
OFDPA_E_EXISTSan entry with the specified indices already created
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamOdLmDelete ( uint32_t  lmepId)

Delete an OAM Performance Measurement OnDemand Loss Measurement entry.

[in]lmepIdunique identifier for the MEP entry
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEentry successfully deleted
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDentry with identifier not configured
OFDPA_E_FAILfailure occurred during deletion
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamOdLmGet ( uint32_t  lmepId,
ofdpaOamOdLmConfig_t config,
ofdpaOamOdLmStatus_t status 

Retrieve OAM Performance Measurement Ondemand Loss Measurement configuration and/or status.

[in]lmepIdunique identifier for the MEP entry
[out]configstructure containing configuration (optional)
[out]statusstructure containing status (optional)
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEdata successfully retrieved
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDentry with identifier not configured
If the caller does not require the data in the configuration or status structure, either or both parameters may be set to NULL. An example of this type of invocation is if the caller is checking on presence of the entry, but has no need for the configuration or status data.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamOdLmStart ( uint32_t  lmepId)

Start OAM Performance Measurement OnDemand Loss Measurement session.

[in]lmepIdunique identifier for the MEP entry
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEdata successfully retrieved
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDentry with identifier not configured
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamOdLmStop ( uint32_t  lmepId)

Stop OAM Performance Measurement OnDemand Loss Measurement session.

[in]lmepIdunique identifier for the MEP entry
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEdata successfully retrieved
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDentry with identifier not configured
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamOnDemandDmStart ( uint32_t  lmepId,
ofdpaOamOdDmConfig_t config 

Start an on demand Delay Measurement session.

[in]lmepIdunique identifier for the MEP entry
[in]configdata to configure the session
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEnext identifier found
OFDPA_E_FAILno next identifier found
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamOnDemandLmStart ( uint32_t  lmepId,
ofdpaOamOdLmConfig_t config 

Start an on demand Loss Measurement session.

[in]lmepIdunique identifier for the MEP entry
[in]configdata to configure the session
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEnext identifier found
OFDPA_E_FAILno next identifier found
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamProDmCountersGet ( uint32_t  lmepId,
ofdpaOamProDmCounters_t counters 

Retrieve OAM Performance Measurement Proactive Delay Measurement counters.

[in]lmepIdunique identifier for the MEP entry
[out]countersstructure containing counters
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEdata successfully retrieved
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDentry with identifier not configured
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamProDmCreate ( uint32_t  lmepId,
ofdpaOamProDmConfig_t config 

Create an OAM Performance Measurement Proactive Delay Measurement entry.

[in]lmepIdunique identifier for the MEP entry
[in]configstructure containing configuration parameters
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEentry successfully created
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_ERRORconfiguration error
OFDPA_E_FAILfailure occurred during creation
OFDPA_E_FULLmaximum number of entries already created
OFDPA_E_EXISTSan entry with the specified indices already created
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamProDmDelete ( uint32_t  lmepId)

Delete an OAM Performance Measurement Proactive Delay Measurement entry.

[in]lmepIdunique identifier for the MEP entry
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEentry successfully deleted
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDentry with identifier not configured
OFDPA_E_FAILfailure occurred during deletion
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamProDmGet ( uint32_t  lmepId,
ofdpaOamProDmConfig_t config,
ofdpaOamProDmStatus_t status 

Retrieve OAM Performance Measurement Proactive Delay Measurement configuration and/or status.

[in]lmepIdunique identifier for the MEP entry
[out]configstructure containing configuration (optional)
[out]statusstructure containing status (optional)
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEdata successfully retrieved
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDentry with identifier not configured
If the caller does not require the data in the configuration or status structure, either or both parameters may be set to NULL. An example of this type of invocation is if the caller is checking on presence of the entry, but has no need for the configuration or status data.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamProDmStart ( uint32_t  lmepId)

Start OAM Performance Measurement Proactive Delay Measurement session.

[in]lmepIdunique identifier for the MEP entry
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEdata successfully retrieved
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDentry with identifier not configured
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamProDmStop ( uint32_t  lmepId)

Stop OAM Performance Measurement Proactive Delay Measurement session.

[in]lmepIdunique identifier for the MEP entry
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEdata successfully retrieved
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDentry with identifier not configured
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamProLmCountersGet ( uint32_t  lmepId,
ofdpaOamProLmCounters_t counters 

Retrieve OAM Performance Measurement Proactive Loss Measurement counters.

[in]lmepIdunique identifier for the MEP entry
[out]countersstructure containing counters
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEdata successfully retrieved
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDentry with identifier not configured
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamProLmCreate ( uint32_t  lmepId,
ofdpaOamProLmConfig_t config 

Create an OAM Performance Measurement Proactive Loss Measurement entry.

[in]lmepIdunique identifier for the MEP entry
[in]configstructure containing configuration parameters
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEentry successfully created
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_ERRORconfiguration error
OFDPA_E_FAILfailure occurred during creation
OFDPA_E_FULLmaximum number of entries already created
OFDPA_E_EXISTSan entry with the specified indices already created
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamProLmDelete ( uint32_t  lmepId)

Delete an OAM Performance Measurement Proactive Loss Measurement entry.

[in]lmepIdunique identifier for the MEP entry
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEentry successfully deleted
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDentry with identifier not configured
OFDPA_E_FAILfailure occurred during deletion
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamProLmDisable ( uint32_t  lmepId)

Disable OAM Performance Measurement Proactive Loss Measurement session.

[in]lmepIdunique identifier for the MEP entry
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEdata successfully retrieved
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDentry with identifier not configured
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamProLmEnable ( uint32_t  lmepId)

Enable OAM Performance Measurement Proactive Loss Measurement session.

[in]lmepIdunique identifier for the MEP entry
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEdata successfully retrieved
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDentry with identifier not configured
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamProLmGet ( uint32_t  lmepId,
ofdpaOamProLmConfig_t config,
ofdpaOamProLmStatus_t status 

Retrieve OAM Performance Measurement Proactive Loss Measurement configuration and/or status.

[in]lmepIdunique identifier for the MEP entry
[out]configstructure containing configuration (optional)
[out]statusstructure containing status (optional)
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEdata successfully retrieved
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDentry with identifier not configured
If the caller does not require the data in the configuration or status structure, either or both parameters may be set to NULL. An example of this type of invocation is if the caller is checking on presence of the entry, but has no need for the configuration or status data.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamRemoteMpCreate ( uint32_t  remoteMpId,
ofdpaOamRemoteMpConfig_t config 

Create an OAM Remote MP entry.

[in]remoteMpIdunique identifier for the remote MP entry
[in]configstructure containing configuration parameters
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEentry successfully created
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_ERRORconfiguration error
OFDPA_E_FAILfailure occurred during creation
OFDPA_E_FULLmaximum number of entries already created
OFDPA_E_EXISTSan entry with the specified indices already created
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamRemoteMpDelete ( uint32_t  remoteMpId)

Delete an OAM Remote MP entry.

[in]remoteMpIdunique identifier for the remote MP entry
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEentry successfully deleted
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDentry with identifier not configured
OFDPA_E_FAILfailure occurred during deletion
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamRemoteMpGet ( uint32_t  remoteMpId,
ofdpaOamRemoteMpConfig_t config 

Retrieve OAM Remote MP.

[in]remoteMpIdunique identifier for the remote MP entry
[out]configstructure containing configuration (optional)
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEdata successfully retrieved
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDentry with identifier not configured
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaOamRemoteMpNextGet ( uint32_t  remoteMpId,
uint32_t *  nextRemoteMpId 

Return the Remote MP identifier, if any, for the entry after the one specified for the given local MEP ID.

[in]remoteMpIdunique identifier for the remote MP entry
[out]nextRemoteMpIdunique identifier for the next remote MP entry
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEnext identifier found
OFDPA_E_FAILno next identifier found
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaPktReceive ( struct timeval *  timeout,
ofdpaPacket_t pkt 

The client calls this function to retrieve a single packet that the hardware has punted to the CPU.

[in]timeoutIf NULL, the function blocks until a packet is received. If the timeout value is zero, the function returns immediately, whether or not a packet is available. The return code indicates whether a packet has been received. If the timeout value is non-zero, the function blocks up to this length of time if a packet is not immediately available. Again, the return code indicates whether a packet was received.
[out]pktA packet structure allocated by the caller and used to return a received packet. The packet structure includes some metadata to indicate properties like why the packet came to the CPU and the ingress port. On input, the caller must set pkt->pktData.size to the size in bytes of the buffer allocated to hold the received packet. On output, pkt->pktData.size specifies the length of the packet in bytes. pkt->pktData.pstart on input must point to a buffer large enough to hold the largest possible received packet (OFDPA_MAX_PKT_LEN). This function copies the packet into this buffer, starting with the Ethernet header (the destination MAC address). The trailing Ethernet CRC is not included.
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEif a packet is returned
OFDPA_E_TIMEOUTif no packet is available within the specified timeout
OFDPA_E_PARAMif an input parameter is invalid (e.g., pkt is NULL)
OFDPA_E_FAILfor any other failure
This function runs in the client's own context and is not an RPC API.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaPktSend ( ofdpa_buffdesc pkt,
uint32_t  flags,
uint32_t  outPortNum,
uint32_t  inPortNum 

Packet out API.

Sends a packet out a switch port

[in]flagsOFDPA_PACKET_LOOKUP_TX: Indicates that packet must go through a hardware lookup starting from the first table in the pipeline. The srcIfNum is used as the ingress port in table lookups.

If this flag is not set, then the packet is sent unmodified out of the outIfNum

[out]outPortNumOutput port. Can be physical or logical or reserved
[in]inPortNumInput port. Indicates the interface on which packet was originally received.
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEif packet is transmitted successfully
OFDPA_E_PARAMif an input parameter is bad
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDif the input or output port parameter is bad
OFDPA_E_INTERNALif transmit DMA buffer has not been allocated
Any other return code if there is a failure
DPA will not do any buffering of packets and it is expected to be done at the agent if required
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaPortAdvertiseFeatureSet ( uint32_t  portNum,
uint32_t  advertise 

Set the port features that can be advertized durng Auto-Negotiation.

[in]portNumport number
[in]advertiseport features
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEport features set successfully
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDport not found
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaPortConfigGet ( uint32_t  portNum,
uint32_t *  config 

Get the port administrative state.

[in]portNumport number
[out]configport administrative state
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEport admin state returned successfully
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDport not found
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaPortConfigSet ( uint32_t  portNum,

Set the port administrative state.

[in]portNumport number
[in]configport administrative state
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEport admin state set successfully
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDport not found
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaPortCurrSpeedGet ( uint32_t  portNum,
uint32_t *  currSpeed 

Get the port current speed.

[in]portNumport number
[out]currSpeedport current speed
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEport current speed returned successfully
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDport not found
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaPortEventGet ( ofdpaPortEvent_t eventData)

Get the port event.

[in,out]eventDataevent data
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEport event data returned successfully
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDnext port event not found
get the event for the port
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaPortEventNextGet ( ofdpaPortEvent_t eventData)

Get the next port event.

[in,out]eventDataevent data
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEport event data returned successfully
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDnext port event not found
populate the port number in eventData to get the event for the next port
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaPortFeatureGet ( uint32_t  portNum,
ofdpaPortFeature_t feature 

Get the port features.

[in]portNumport number
[out]featureport features
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEport features returned successfully
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDport not found
void ofdpaPortIndexGet ( uint32_t  portNum,
uint32_t *  index 

Get the port index encoded in a port number value.

[in]portNumport number value
[out]indexport index
void ofdpaPortIndexSet ( uint32_t *  portNum,
uint32_t  index 

Encode the port index in a port number.

[in,out]portNumport number storage
[in]indexport index
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaPortMacGet ( uint32_t  portNum,
ofdpaMacAddr_t mac 

Get the MAC address of the given port.

[in]portNumcurrent port
[out]macMAC address of the port
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEMAC address returned successfully
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDport not found
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaPortMaxSpeedGet ( uint32_t  portNum,
uint32_t *  maxSpeed 

Get the port maximum speed.

[in]portNumport number
[out]maxSpeedport maximum speed
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEport max speed returned successfully
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDport not found
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaPortNameGet ( uint32_t  portNum,
ofdpa_buffdesc name 

Get the port name.

[in]portNumport number
[out]nameport name
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEport name returned successfully
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDport not found
Initialize the ofdpa_buffdesc with the name buffer and size appropriately. The size of the name buffer (including '\0') should be at least equal to OFDPA_MAX_PORT_NAME_STRING_SIZE
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaPortNextGet ( uint32_t  portNum,
uint32_t *  nextPortNum 

Get the next port from the port table.

[in]portNumcurrent port
[out]nextPortNumnext port
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEnext port returned successfully
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_FAILno more ports to be returned
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaPortStateGet ( uint32_t  portNum,
uint32_t *  state 

Get the port link state.

[in]portNumport number
[out]stateport link state
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEport link state returned successfully
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDport not found
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaPortStatsClear ( uint32_t  portNum)

Clear port statistics.

[in]portNumport number
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEport statistics cleared successfully
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDport not found
OFDPA_E_INTERNALinternal error
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaPortStatsGet ( uint32_t  portNum,
ofdpaPortStats_t stats 

Get port statistics.

[in]portNumport number
[out]statsport statistics
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEport statistics returned successfully
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDport not found
OFDPA_E_UNAVAILcounter not available
OFDPA_E_INTERNALinternal error
The data structure returned contains 64 bit, unsigned integer members for various counters. Not all counters are supported on every platform. Unsupported counters are indicated by the counter value being set to all ones (0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF). Counters returning this value are considered unsupported.
void ofdpaPortTypeGet ( uint32_t  portNum,
uint32_t *  type 

Get the port type encoded in a port number value.

[in]portNumport number value
[out]typeport type
void ofdpaPortTypeSet ( uint32_t *  portNum,
uint32_t  type 

Encode the port type in a port number value.

[in,out]portNumport number storage
[in]typeport type
const char* ofdpaQosColorDecode ( OFDPA_QOS_COLORS_t  color)

Returns the a string suitable for display to the user representing the color value.

[in]colorvalue representing QoS color
Return values
pointerto a string containing the color string
If color value cannot be converted to a string, a string containing the text "[Unknown color]" is returned.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaQueueRateGet ( uint32_t  portNum,
uint32_t  queueId,
uint32_t *  minRate,
uint32_t *  maxRate 

The client calls this function to get minimum and maximum bandwidth on a queue on a given port.

[in]portNumPort number
[in]queueIdQueue ID
[out]minRateMinimum bandwidth
[out]maxRateMaximum bandwidth
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEif minimum and maximum bandwidths of a queue are returned successfully on a given port.
OFDPA_E_PARAMif an input parameter is invalid
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDthe port does not exist.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaQueueRateSet ( uint32_t  portNum,
uint32_t  queueId,
uint32_t  minRate,
uint32_t  maxRate 

The client calls this function to set minimum and maximum bandwidth on a queue on a given port.

[in]portNumPort number
[in]queueIdQueue ID
[in]minRateMinimum bandwidth
[in]maxRateMaximum bandwidth
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEif minimum and maximum bandwidths of a queue are set successfully on a given port.
OFDPA_E_PARAMif an input parameter is invalid.
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDthe port does not exist.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaQueueStatsClear ( uint32_t  portNum,
uint32_t  queueId 

The client calls this function to clear all the statistics of a queue on a port.

[in]portNumPort number
[in]queueIdQueue ID
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEif the port queue statistics are cleared.
OFDPA_E_PARAMif an input parameter is invalid.
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDthe port does not exist.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaQueueStatsGet ( uint32_t  portNum,
uint32_t  queueId,
ofdpaPortQueueStats_t stats 

The client calls this function to get the statistics of a queue on a port.

[in]portNumPort number
[in]queueIdQueue ID
[out]statsQueue Statistics on a given port
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEif the port queue statistics are returned.
OFDPA_E_PARAMif an input parameter is invalid.
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDthe port does not exist.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaRemarkActionAdd ( ofdpaRemarkActionEntry_t remarkEntry)

Add remark action entry.

[in]remarkEntrystructure containing remark entry parameters
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEremark entry added successfully
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_FULLRemark Action table full
OFDPA_E_EXISTSremark entry exists
OFDPA_E_INTERNALinternal error
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaRemarkActionDelete ( ofdpaRemarkActionEntry_t remarkEntry)

Delete remark action entry.

[in]remarkEntrystructure containing remark entry parameters
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEremark entry deleted successfully
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDremark entry not found
OFDPA_E_FAILfailure; other errors
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaRemarkActionEntryGet ( ofdpaRemarkActionEntry_t remarkEntry)

Get remark action entry.

[in,out]remarkEntryremark entry
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEremark entry returned successfully
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDremark entry not found
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaRemarkEntryNextGet ( ofdpaRemarkActionEntry_t remarkEntry,
ofdpaRemarkActionEntry_t nextEntry 

Retrieve the next remark entry.

This API allows the client to walk the entries in a remark table. In order to get the first entry in a remark table, the client calls with all parameters set to zero. Table entries are walked in the order the table is indexed. If there are no entries in the table after the entry specified, a return code indicates the end of the remark table has been reached

[in]remarkEntrystructure containing flow entry parameters
[out]nextEntrystructure containing the next remark table entry, if any
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEthe next flow entry was found and returned
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in flow entry parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDno next flow entry found
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaSourceMacLearningGet ( OFDPA_CONTROL_t mode,
ofdpaSrcMacLearnModeCfg_t srcMacLearnModeCfg 

The client calls this function to get the Source Mac Learning Mode with other config parameters.

[out]modeSource MAC Learning Mode
[out]srcMacLearnModeCfgConfig structure holding other parameters of Source MAC Learning
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEif Source MAC Learning Mode is returned successfully on controller port.
OFDPA_E_PARAMif an input parameter is invalid.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaSourceMacLearningSet ( OFDPA_CONTROL_t  mode,
ofdpaSrcMacLearnModeCfg_t srcMacLearnModeCfg 

The client calls this function to set the Source Mac Learning Mode with other config parameters.

[in]modeSource MAC Learning Mode
[in]srcMacLearnModeCfgConfig structure holding other parameters of Source MAC Learning
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEif Source MAC Learning Mode is set successfully.
OFDPA_E_UNAVAILif any of the learning methods (Local/Controller managed) is unsupported.
OFDPA_E_PARAMif an input parameter is invalid.
Enable mode: Copies the packets with unknown source address to CPU.
Disable mode: Switches the packets with unknown source address.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaTunnelEcmpNextHopGroupCreate ( uint32_t  ecmpNextHopGroupId,
ofdpaTunnelEcmpNextHopGroupConfig_t config 

Create a tunnel ECMP next hop group entry.

[in]ecmpNextHopGroupIdunique identifier for the entry
[in]configstructure containing configuration parameters
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEentry successfully created
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_ERRORconfiguration error
OFDPA_E_FAILfailure occurred during entry creation
OFDPA_E_FULLmaximum number of entries already created
OFDPA_E_EXISTSan entry with the specified identifier already created
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaTunnelEcmpNextHopGroupDelete ( uint32_t  ecmpNextHopGroupId)

Delete a tunnel ECMP next hop group entry.

[in]ecmpNextHopGroupIdunique identifier for the entry
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEentry successfully deleted
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDentry with identifier not configured
OFDPA_E_FAILfailure occurred during deletion, reasons include attempting to delete an entry that is being referenced
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaTunnelEcmpNextHopGroupGet ( uint32_t  ecmpNextHopGroupId,
ofdpaTunnelEcmpNextHopGroupConfig_t config,
ofdpaTunnelEcmpNextHopGroupStatus_t status 

Retrieve tunnel ECMP next hop group configuration and/or status.

[in]ecmpNextHopGroupIdunique identifier for the entry
[out]configstructure containing ECMP tunnel next hop configuration (optional)
[out]statusstructure containing ECMP tunnel next hop status (optional)
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEdata successfully retrieved
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDentry with identifier not configured
If the caller does not require the data in the configuration or status structure, either or both parameters may be set to NULL. An example of this type of invocation is if the caller is checking on presence of the entry, but has no need for the configuration or status data.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaTunnelEcmpNextHopGroupMaxMembersGet ( uint32_t *  maxMemberCount)

Return the number of ECMP next hop group members supported by the switch.

[out]maxMemberCountmaximum members supported in an ECMP next hop group
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEmax count returned
OFDPA_E_PARAMNULL pointer passed
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaTunnelEcmpNextHopGroupMemberAdd ( uint32_t  ecmpNextHopGroupId,
uint32_t  nextHopId 

Adds a next hop member to an ECMP next hop group entry.

This is done by adding any entry to the ECMP next hop group member table. The index into this table is the ecmpNextHopGroupId, nextHopId tuple.

[in]ecmpNextHopGroupIdECMP next hop group entry identifier
[in]nextHopIdnext hop entry identifier
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEmember next hop successfully added
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_ERRORconfiguration error, includes ECMP tunnel next hop or next hop entry not found or other constraint violation
OFDPA_E_FAILfailure occurred while adding next hop to ECMP next hop group
OFDPA_E_FULLmaximum number of member next hops already added
OFDPA_E_EXISTSan entry with the specified identifier combination already added
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaTunnelEcmpNextHopGroupMemberDelete ( uint32_t  ecmpNextHopGroupId,
uint32_t  nextHopId 

Adds a next hop member to an ECMP next hop group entry.

This is done by adding any entry to the ECMP next hop group member table. The index into this table is the ecmpNextHopGroupId, nextHopId tuple.

[in]ecmpNextHopGroupIdECMP next hop group entry identifier
[in]nextHopIdnext hop entry identifier
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEnext hop member successfully deleted
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDnext hop member is not configured in ECMP next hop group
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaTunnelEcmpNextHopGroupMemberGet ( uint32_t  ecmpNextHopListGroupId,
uint32_t  nextHopId 

Test whether a next hop is a member in the specified ECMP next hop group.

[in]ecmpNextHopListGroupIdECMP next hop group entry identifier
[in]nextHopIdnext hop entry identifier
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEnext hop is a member of ECMP next hop group
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDnext hop is not a member of ECMP next hop group
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaTunnelEcmpNextHopGroupMemberNextGet ( uint32_t  ecmpNextHopListGroupId,
uint32_t  nextHopId,
uint32_t *  nextNextHopId 

Gets the next member next hop in the ECMP next hop group.

[in]ecmpNextHopListGroupIdECMP next hop group entry identifier
[in]nextHopIdnext hop entry identifier
[out]nextNextHopIdnext next hop entry identifier, if any
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEnext entry found
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDno next entry found
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaTunnelEcmpNextHopGroupNextGet ( uint32_t  ecmpNextHopGroupId,
uint32_t *  nextEcmpNextHopGroupId 

Return the ECMP tunnel next hop group identifier, if any, for the entry after the one specified.

[in]ecmpNextHopGroupIdunique identifier for the entry
[out]nextEcmpNextHopGroupIdunique identifier for the next entry
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEnext identifier found
OFDPA_E_FAILno next identifier found
void ofdpaTunnelIdIndexGet ( uint32_t  tunnelId,
uint32_t *  index 

Get the tunnel index encoded in a tunnel ID value.

[in]tunnelIdtunnel ID value
[out]indextunnel index
void ofdpaTunnelIdIndexSet ( uint32_t *  tunnelId,
uint32_t  index 

Encode the tunnel index in a tunnelId number.

[in,out]tunnelIdtunnel ID storage
[in]indextunnel index
void ofdpaTunnelIdTypeGet ( uint32_t  tunnelId,
uint32_t *  type 

Get the tunnel type encoded in a tunnel ID value.

[in]tunnelIdtunnel ID value
[out]typetunnel type
void ofdpaTunnelIdTypeSet ( uint32_t *  tunnelId,
uint32_t  type 

Encode the tunnel type in a tunnel ID value.

[in,out]tunnelIdtunnel ID storage
[in]typetunnel type
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaTunnelNextHopCreate ( uint32_t  nextHopId,
ofdpaTunnelNextHopConfig_t config 

Create a tunnel next hop entry.

[in]nextHopIdunique identifier for the entry
[in]configstructure containing configuration parameters
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEentry successfully created
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_ERRORconfiguration error
OFDPA_E_FAILfailure occurred during entry creation
OFDPA_E_FULLmaximum number of entries already created
OFDPA_E_EXISTSan entry with the specified identifier already created
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaTunnelNextHopDelete ( uint32_t  nextHopId)

Delete a tunnel next hop entry.

[in]nextHopIdunique identifier for the entry
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEentry successfully deleted
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDentry with identifier not configured
OFDPA_E_FAILfailure occurred during deletion, reasons include attempting to delete an entry that is being referenced
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaTunnelNextHopGet ( uint32_t  nextHopId,
ofdpaTunnelNextHopConfig_t config,
ofdpaTunnelNextHopStatus_t status 

Retrieve tunnel next hop configuration and/or status.

[in]nextHopIdunique identifier for the entry
[out]configstructure containing tunnel next hop configuration (optional)
[out]statusstructure containing tunnel next hop status (optional)
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEdata successfully retrieved
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDentry with identifier not configured
If the caller does not require the data in the configuration or status structure, either or both parameters may be set to NULL. An example of this type of invocation is if the caller is checking on presence of the entry, but has no need for the configuration or status data.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaTunnelNextHopModify ( uint32_t  nextHopId,
ofdpaTunnelNextHopConfig_t config 

Modify a tunnel next hop entry.

This allows updating the configuration data of a next hop while it is referenced by other configuration. A referenced entry cannot be deleted but it can be modified.

[in]nextHopIdunique identifier for an existing entry
[in]configstructure containing new configuration parameters
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEentry successfully modified
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_ERRORconfiguration error, including attempting to modify next hop in a manner not allowed. See notes.
OFDPA_E_FAILfailure occurred during entry modification
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDentry with identifier not configured
Modification cannot change the destination MAC address from unicast to multicast or multicast to unicast. Modification cannot change the protocol of the next hop entry.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaTunnelNextHopNextGet ( uint32_t  nextHopId,
uint32_t *  nextNextHopId 

Return the tunnel next hop identifier, if any, for the entry after the one specified.

[in]nextHopIdunique identifier for the next hop
[out]nextNextHopIdunique identifier for the next next hop entry
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEnext identifier found
OFDPA_E_FAILno next identifier found
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaTunnelPortCreate ( uint32_t  portNum,
ofdpa_buffdesc name,
ofdpaTunnelPortConfig_t config 

Create a tunnel logical port.

[in]portNumunique identifier for the port within the switch
[in]namehuman readable name for the interface
[in]configstructure containing tunnel logical port parameters
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONElogical port successfully created
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_ERRORinternal error
OFDPA_E_FAILfailure occurred during logical port creation
OFDPA_E_FULLmaximum number of logical ports already created
OFDPA_E_EXISTSan entry with the specified portnum already created
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaTunnelPortDelete ( uint32_t  portNum)

Delete a tunnel logical port.

[in]portNumunique identifier for the port within the switch
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONElogical port successfully deleted
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDlogical port with identifier not configured
OFDPA_E_FAILfailure occurred during logical port deletion
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaTunnelPortGet ( uint32_t  portNum,
ofdpaTunnelPortConfig_t config,
ofdpaTunnelPortStatus_t status 

Retrieve tunnel logical port configuration and/or status.

[in]portNumunique identifier for the port within the switch
[out]configstructure containing tunnel logical port configuration (optional)
[out]statusstructure containing tunnel logical port status (optional)
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONElogical port data successfully retrieved
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDlogical port with identifier not configured
If the caller does not require the data in the configuration or status structure, either or both parameters may be set to NULL. An example of this type of invocation is if the caller is checking on presence of a logical port, but has no need for the configuration or status data.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaTunnelPortNextGet ( uint32_t  portNum,
uint32_t *  nextPortNum 

Return the tunnel logical port identifier, if any, for the logical port after the one specified in the logical port table.

[in]portNumunique identifier for the port within the switch
[out]nextPortNumunique identifier for the next logical port within the switch
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEnext logical port identifier found
OFDPA_E_FAILno next logical port identifier found
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaTunnelPortTenantAdd ( uint32_t  portNum,
uint32_t  tunnelId 

Adds a tenant reference to a logical port tunnel entry.

This is done by adding any entry to the tunnel port tenant table. The index into this table is the portNum, tunnelId tuple.

[in]portNumunique identifier for the port within the switch
[in]tunnelIdtenant entry identifier
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONElogical port to tenant association successfully added
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_ERRORconfiguration error, includes logical port or tenant entry not found or other constraint violation
OFDPA_E_FAILfailure occurred during logical port association with tenant
OFDPA_E_FULLmaximum number of associations already created
OFDPA_E_EXISTSan entry with the specified portnum and tunnelId already added
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaTunnelPortTenantDelete ( uint32_t  portNum,
uint32_t  tunnelId 

Deletes a tenant reference to a logical port tunnel entry.

[in]portNumunique identifier for the port within the switch
[in]tunnelIdtenant entry identifier
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONElogical port to tenant association successfully deleted
OFDPA_E_FAILfailure occurred deleting logical port association with tenant, including the entry not being found
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaTunnelPortTenantGet ( uint32_t  portNum,
uint32_t  tunnelId,
ofdpaTunnelPortTenantStatus_t status 

Test whether a tenant reference to a logical port exists for the port and tenant combination.

      Optionally retrieve status of entry.
[in]portNumunique identifier for the port within the switch
[in]tunnelIdtenant entry identifier
[out]statusstructure containing tunnel logical port/tenant status (optional)
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONElogical port to tenant association successfully deleted
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDlogical port to tenant association is not configured
If the caller does not require the data in status structure, this parameter may be set to NULL. An example of this type of invocation is if the caller is checking on presence of an entry for the logical port and tenant, but has no need for the status data.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaTunnelPortTenantNextGet ( uint32_t  portNum,
uint32_t  tunnelId,
uint32_t *  nextTunnelId 

Gets the next logical port tunnel entry after the port and tenant identified.

      Iteration stops after returning the tunnelId for the last tenant
      associated with the logical port.
[in]portNumunique identifier for the port within the switch
[in]tunnelIdtenant entry identifier
[out]nextTunnelIdnext tenant entry identifier, if any
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEnext logical port tunnel identifier found
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDno next logical port tunnel identifier found
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaTunnelTenantCreate ( uint32_t  tunnelId,
ofdpaTunnelTenantConfig_t config 

Create a tunnel tenant entry.

[in]tunnelIdunique identifier for the tenant
[in]configstructure containing tenant parameters
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEtenant entry successfully created
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_ERRORconfiguration error including specifying a multicast next hop entry reference that does not exist
OFDPA_E_FAILfailure occurred during tenant creation
OFDPA_E_FULLmaximum number of tenants already created
OFDPA_E_EXISTSan entry with the specified tunnelId already created
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaTunnelTenantDelete ( uint32_t  tunnelId)

Delete a tunnel tenant entry.

[in]tunnelIdunique identifier for the tenant
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEtenant entry successfully deleted
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDtenant entry with identifier not configured
OFDPA_E_FAILfailure occurred during tenant deletion, reasons include attempting to delete a tenant entry that is being referenced
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaTunnelTenantGet ( uint32_t  tunnelId,
ofdpaTunnelTenantConfig_t config,
ofdpaTunnelTenantStatus_t status 

Retrieve tunnel tenant configuration and/or status.

[in]tunnelIdunique identifier for the tenant
[out]configstructure containing tunnel tenant configuration (optional)
[out]statusstructure containing tunnel tenant status (optional)
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEdata successfully retrieved
OFDPA_E_PARAMerror in parameters passed to function
OFDPA_E_NOT_FOUNDentry with identifier not configured
If the caller does not require the data in the configuration or status structure, either or both parameters may be set to NULL. An example of this type of invocation is if the caller is checking on presence of the entry, but has no need for the configuration or status data.
OFDPA_ERROR_t ofdpaTunnelTenantNextGet ( uint32_t  tunnelId,
uint32_t *  nextTunnelId 

Return the tunnel identifier, if any, for the entry after the one specified.

[in]tunnelIdunique identifier for the tenant
[out]nextTunnelIdunique identifier for the next tenant entry
Return values
OFDPA_E_NONEnext identifier found
OFDPA_E_FAILno next identifier found